Monday, November 29, 2004

Law is a bunch of whiners

Last intramural hockey game of the season last night. We've played this team (Law, "The Tortfeasors") before. We knew they were going to be fast and hard hitting so we decided to give it right back to them. Jeff, Nevin, and I contributed early.

Nice work boys. After that though we really got into it. I skated my butt off just trying to get in the way of the other team.

Nevin was playing defense with Jeff and I too. He liked to hang around Jeremy (our awesome goalie) just to make sure nothing got started.

My highlight of the evening, as with all hockey games this year, was trying to cream as many players from the other team as I could. Terry was our photographer (AKA "That retard with the camera"). He missed a few of my bigger collisions (not quite deliberate hits) but caught the action moments before I made this guy pay for touching my puck.

Terry wasn't alone in the stands though. We had a whole cheerleading section. Back row: Daneen and Steve. Front row: Someone, someone, Leah. If anyone can help me with the other names I'd appreciate it. Apparently the first one has been to Nanton with Sarah Gardner.

So what was the outcome? Well...we lost 7-3, goodbye.

Sunday, November 28, 2004


I've said it before and I'm going to have to say it again... I HATE MEC 303. I'm starting to think that R&D might not be for me if I'm always writing these huge reports. Of course, there I would be writing about something I was really involved in, I wouldn't have to follow so many stupid rules, and I wouldn't have so many other projects to do at the same time. Well, maybe that last one isn't right, I hope to be busy at work, because being bored really sucks. But still, trying to pump out quality AND quantity on something you don't really know much about (because you never pay attention in the labs) is just stressfull.

There is some light today though. I get to play my last intramural hockey game of the year tonight against the Law team called the "Tortfeasors". I feel that my stressed state at the moment will come in handy tonight because I really need to take it out on someone. That or I'm going to sneak into the Mec building tonight and break the freaking MTS machine.

...the current cause of all my problems.

I have taken a few breaks this weekend. I've seen 3 good movies: Walking Tall (Johnny Knoxville rules), Swordfish, and Twisted. That's it though, time for some serious work. I can't wait until January (have I said that before?).

Friday, November 26, 2004

Honestly guys, "Go Bears Go!"

One nice thing about going to the U of A is being able to cheer for some kick-ass sports teams. The Golden Bears and the Pandas regularly rip it up, in pretty much any sport. I'm going tonight to watch the girls and guys lay the smack down on Manitoba in volleyball. I really like watching the Bears volleyball. They're good, and it's inspirational. I wish I could be half that caliber. I won't be anytime soon but watching them play is definitely the next best thing.

Going to be a lot of fun. I have some homework to get through before then. I've been keeping pretty much up to speed on average, ahead in some, behind in others. I just can't wait until I'm working on some cool drilling assignments on my 34th floor office with a view...of the hallway. Meh, students can't be choosers, yet.

I thought of something yesterday when Matt and I were walking back here. I didn't get a chance to write about it yesterday because when we got here, we spent about an hour deciding that Matt's car was just plain broken, Jacob drove him home. Anyway, Matt said something on the walk home that I've heard from him before, alot. He said "Honestly Mike, blah blah blah..." That's when I realized that "Honestly" is Matt's "word". He uses it to start a good third of his sentences. So we started to think about who else had words. Here's what we came up with:

Matt: "Honestly guys..."

Kolla: "You guys just don't understand..."

Jacob: "Whoa whoa whoa guys, I don't understand"

Lucas (has many): "Deadly", "I'm not gonna lie to ya...", "Yeah, I said it!", "This is the best ___ ever", "Awesome", "So I was .... this chick..., Hey"

Nevin: "..."

Brendan: "Mike, piss off!"

Dan the Queer: "Oooooohhhh!" or "Lucas, stop talking about my sister!"

Dan the... Hanford: "Nope, you're wrong...oh, nevermind, I see now"

He who will not be named: "Umm, (drool) I have a question..."

I don't really know what mine would be, Matt couldn't really think of one either. Maybe that's because I just talk way to much to have a couple of common words. Can anyone else think of something I say all the time? It's a game folks! What does Mike always say? The winner will receive a free trip to al;lddldl. Weerd, my kepbord doesn't seme to work anymo. Later peoples.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Hump day...

Last week seemed to fly by but this one is taking its time. I'm not so mad about that. I have lots of work to do this week and knowing that I have a lot of time left if comforting. Today was a good day. I got to bash a couple of professors in our teacher evaluations and then I figured out all the tricks to my long lab report in the 303 seminar. I've had one thing on my mind for a lot of the day that kept distracting me though. Snowboarding!

I was talking to a few people today about snowboarding. A lot of the people coming down to Calgary with me are boarders and also can't wait to hit the slopes west of the city. Sunshine is only an hour away. I want to hit Fernie a few times too. Yeah it's going to be deadly awesome. I was thinking about updating my snowboard situation but if everything will hold up, I just might put that money towards something else...say a new RX-8! Okay, maybe not new, but a damn nice used one. Scott told me last night that he's looking at getting the new 2005 Mustang. I made him promise to take me for a drive if he gets it while I'm down there.

Lots of things to look forward to in January. It also turns out we're getting a raise from Talisman. I haven't even started and they feel I'm more valuable to their company! I should get my official employment package from them today and find out all about it. I still don't know what area of Alberta I'll be focusing on or even who my supervisor is. But like I said ealier, this week, there's plenty of time.

Stay tuned for Mike's next entry "Crap, where did all the time go? It's Friday and I'm dead!"

Monday, November 22, 2004

Bar None...Woot!

I needed a weekend like this. Lost some money in poker Friday night. I just did that to prove to my friends that I always lose poker, money or no money. I probably could have won but then they'd make me keep playing. I didn't go out to the bar with them after. Instead I discovered a new TV-series called "Dead Like Me". It's about a girl who hated her life, her family, her boring summer job, and then she's killed by a toilet seat that came down with part of the MIR space station. Instead of going to heaven/hell she was recruited to be grim reaper. There are a few others around that help her get the hang of things. Pretty cool show, seeing would be better than having me explain it anymore.

Saturday I spent some time in the afternoon working on my lab report that's due in two weeks and then BAR NONE. Jeff has been working up here in Edmonton for a few weeks so he, Terry, and I went out together. Started off with a couple team pitchers of Kokanee at Dukes (Jeff's friend Matt was there too) and "tripped" upon a school bus of partiers going to Bar None. Great time singing songs on the bus. There was a huge line up at the Agricom when we got there so I took all the coats to get checked while they kept my place. Around that time they sold out of tickets so only those who already had them could get in. Jeff and Terry had tickets...I did not...crap. I found my high school friend, Steve, (he was managing the ticket booth and a few other duties) and decided to help him since I wasn't going anywhere else but home. A little later Sarah and Jen (also from Nanton) showed up. Sarah is one the big three organizers of Bar None this year and had an extra ticket on her, I bought the last one, number 2500. YES! Steve was done his duties so we finally entered the party.

For those of you who don't know Bar None is huge, like 20 drink stations and a dance floor big enough for a 400 person line dance! I ran into Jeff and Terry a few times during the night. They always seemed to have a different girl on their arms each time. I danced with my friend Daneen most of the night trying desparately to figure out the two step. I've done it before, I know it well, but the beer had fuzzed my memory. Luckily I have a few other dances that are engrained in my brain and I can do them in my sleep. I took the last LRT home while my bros caught the bus again and I met them at the Butterdome before going home. Yup, a good night.

Sunday I spent doing some homework, watching the Toronto Argonaugts kick some ass in the grey cup, and then finishing my Engg Management assignment with Nevin. These next few weeks really are going to be all about the homework. I want to catch either a Bears hockey game or volleyball game this Friday, whichever is in town. Okay, time to go vote Conservative! Go Klein Go!

Friday, November 19, 2004

It's Friday...I'm done...and I'm still at school!

As of 11:00 AM today I don't have anymore class for the rest of the weekend but I'll be here for a while today. I'll also be in tomorrow. Instead of getting frustrated though I'm getting this surge of energy to just put in the effort and get it over with, soon! Time seems to go faster when I'm working hard so maybe busting my ass for three weeks will make it fly by. You need these times to appreciate the good ones.

I've also had another recent push in the student exchange direction. Nina is over in Austrailia right now going to school. Samad was there with her at the end of the summer for a while too. They sent a few pictures my way so I thought I'd share some with the rest of you.

Now that's something that I'd really be interested in. Even doing homework in some new part of campus would seem like fun. Actually, I'd probably just be very distracted and feel bad that I'm working on thermodynamics and not out exploring some new part of the country.

Here is Samad playing with some parrots (yeah they're probably some 'proper' name but they're PARROTS people). Well you know what they say about birds of a feather? Nina blames the wine.

Here is the view from Nina's apartment. That is Bondi Beach you can see, pretty famous I guess but I haven't heard of it. Better than looking out at that old apartment building in Kingston.

Of course I had to post the picture of the Sydney Bridge. I love bridges, especially ones that look like this. Makes me wish I was a civil sometimes. Jeff, maybe this is what you should do for your next work term.

They also caught a cruise to a place called Doubtful Sound. Nina says it was pretty windy. Ya think?

Looks like a great trip you too. Inspirational too. Australia is definitely on my 'must see' list. It was before, but even more so now. So, poker tonight anyone? We need some fun.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

What a week!

Yes I did make it home safely but the chaos that ensued has so far prevented me from writing another entry. Monday was a really nice day with Amber, one of the best but saying good bye at the end didn't happen exactly as I hoped or expected. I miss her a lot already.

I'm writing at school so I don't have any pictures to put up yet. I was going to do it at home but Lucas is getting really impatient. He needs something else to waste time on, looking for 5 pairs of new shoes just doesn't do it for him I guess.

I spent most of Monday at UBC hanging out with Chris, Kevin, and Amber or sometimes just walking around on my own. That place is really awesome. I've never considered studying somewhere else, like a student exchange, but if I did I think I would go to UBC. Although their mechanical engineering building is rather lacking (sorry Chris). The buildings are super old, unlike the U of A engg buildings, but the grounds are awesome. I mean, green grass and nice November? Doesn't seem right.

Amber and I went on a little drive after that, going to a beach on the water and a few other places. No one else was available for supper so we went together to a super nice restaurant on Granville Island called Bridges. It's right on the water, nice food, cool waiter, perfect last meal.

Nevin and Brendan picked me up from the Edmonton airport at 1:00 AM and non of us were too keen to be at school early Tuesday morning, actually Brendan didn't come. The rest of the week has really just flown by since then. I've been getting all my assignments done really early, want to have some free time this weekend homework. I'm going to be here on Saturday working on my design project again. Saturday night is Bar-None, can't wait.

Basically my life right now is very stressfull but I am able to handle it well. I do have a lot of work but I'm getting it done efficiently and on time. I'm really looking forward to work in January, I know it's going to be another fun 8 months. Okay, group meeting time. I'll be back with pictures later.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Whistler...yeah, it's awesome

I didn't know that I was going to be doing some MORE travelling as part of my trip but Amber surprised me with a roadtrip to Whistler. There isn't any snow yet so I didn't get to fullfill THAT dream but what we did find there was pretty darn cool. We stayed at a place called the Sundail. Very nice hotel and it's the closest to the ski lifts at the 50 feet away. We had a huge room on the third floor with a hot tub out on the deck. Heather and the girls quickly got into cooking an awesome meal for all of us. it's going to be one of THOSE kinds of evenings. We each had our stash of wobblypops, Kerry and Sani (Erin) were into the wine. Apparently this stuff had some kung fu side effects.

The girls wanted to eat out in the hot tub. The guys were rolling their eyes and imagining penne and soggy croutons floating everywhere but the girls did cook...I guess we can let them.

Later we got dressed up to go out for some partying. Aaron is ready...just waiting for those crazy girls.

Yeah, pretty awesome weekend. We went for breakfast today at the Irish Pub next door. We thought we had found a real deal there, two breakfasts for $12. You only had to buy a beverage to get the deal...that's when they started charging us $2.50 for coffee and $4.25 for orange juice. Should have known.

I'm back in Vancouver now. Last night here. We're planning a big dinner for tomorrow night too then I'm off home. Nevin's picking me up at 1:00 AM from the Edmonton airport. Thanks man, means a lot. This trip has been like...the best trip ever, I'm not going to lie to you! You guys just don't understand (inside joke). Peace.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Van day 2

Last night was awesome. It was so good to see everybody again. Chris and I drove there with Kevin and Fay (I really don't know how she spells her name). Sharon, her friend Peter, Duncan, and Dieta were already there, Amber and Lindy showed up soon after.

The food choice was almost too much. Everything was so fresh and sounded so good. I had the pasta special which had a bunch of different types of seafood in it, shrimp scallops and more. I love that stuff.

Today I mostly hung out around Amber's apartment, finished some homework, then went with her to pick up her sister at the ferry. That place was so cool. I could just sit there for an afternoon and watch the ferries come and go. From an engineering standpoint there is so much to see. Anyway we're about to head off to a Vancouver Giants hockey game (WHL). I'm excited. Oh, we're really late. We gotta go! I'll put some pictures up later.


Okay, we're back from the game. It was really awesome hockey. The goals were great, the fights were better, just a lot of fun. Here a few pictures for ya, one from last night with the whole group and other is the view from Amber's apartment. We're off to Whistler early tomorrow so I might not be able to update for a while.

I love the water over here. The North Saskatchewan just isn't the same.

Later peoples. I'm off to the mountains.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Oh yeah, I'm in Vancouver baby!

So yeah, I made the flight over. Chris picked me up in his RX-7 from the airport.

Vancouver doesn't look like too much at night. We met up with Kevin at his place, his girlfriend Fay came over a little later. We played some poker and then went out to the 8-ball for some pool. Fun times.

Today Chris and I went for breakfast at IHOP and then took the sky train downtown. I've never really been in a city like Vancouver. The buildings sometimes look like they were computer generated, just not real. Interesting infrastructure or something.

See, I was here.

We walked aroud the north water front until we got into Gas Town and the neighbourhoods started to look scary. On our way down to the sky train terminal we passed this interestig looking garden. It was dedicated to Dr. Sun Yat-sen. The name is really familiar but I can't quite remember what it was for. Very neat oasis in the middle a bunch of skyscrapers.

I have lots of pictures of buildings along the waterfront. I'll have to show them to everyone later. This last one I thought was really neat but neither Chris or I know what it is.

I gotta take off now. Chris and I are meeting Kevin soon and we're going to meet the rest of the group at a place called The Sandbar on Granville Island. I've heard a lot of good things about this place. I talked to my cousin Chris today and he also recommends it. I was going to see if I could meet him for lunch today but he was just on his way up to a small town north of Whislter to do a story. I hope he has fun. I know we will tonight. The rest of you not in the Vancouver area...just keep on keepin' on.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

I guess I still like winter

This entry is more just an excuse to post another picture. This is from a while ago but I have to use it because most of the snow here is gone now. I miss the snow. I can't wait to be in Calgary this winter, snowboarding, playing hockey, getting back all that physical shape that grandma's cooking has completely erased.

So yeah, off to Vancouver tomorrow. I'm definitely taking my camera but maybe I'll take my computer cable too so I can do some updates. My uncle is going to the airport about the same time I am tomorrow so that takes care of my ride there. Chris is going to pick me up at the airport once he's done school. Then he, Kevin, and I are going to go party. It's been a long time. I get pretty close to my roommates so this is going to be an awesome trip. Amber is at her sister's grad ceremonies tomorrow night so I probably won't see her until Thursday. I can't believe that's already here. Man I'm excited! Hope I can sleep tonight.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Aw crap!

I was about to write a really happy and excited entry earlier today about the sweet place that we were going to get in Calgary...but I would have been lying. Lucas got the call today and they're going to rent to someone else. We wanted it so bad, so yeah, kinda depressed tonight even though I'm finally done midterms. Some of the other places we looked at were pretty nice so we're not really going to be left out. I know this work term is going to be awesome even without that sweet house. The one that is number 2 on my list has a nice bar downstairs, a sauna, and 4 large, equally sized bedrooms. Our neighbour is a cop but I think we can deal with that. The people living there now aren't exactly "legit" as they put it. Yeah, we'll probably have to do a good sweep of the place for hidden stores of drugs.

But yeah, midterms are over now...I guess I'm really happy about that. The marks haven't really been coming in for me this year but I think everyone has to have a semester like that. Just no motivation at the moment. I got 57% on my heat transfer midterm, just barely above class average. I have managed to stay above class average on everything, but not by much.

Tomorrow will be better I know. We'll decide on a new place to live and I'll be even more excited about going to Vancouver on Wednesday. It's going to be a sweet trip. Chris is picking me up at the airport and I'll hang out with him and Kevin for the night I think. Sharon might be there too. Thursday we're having a big dinner with everyone else, including Duncan, Dieta, and of course, Amberations. I really miss her and can't wait to see her soon. I don't know if I'm going to make it out to Vancouver Island this trip but I would really love to see Victoria and maybe have lunch at my uncle Ron's place. There's also the CFL Western Finals game on Sunday, BC Lions (meh) against the Saskatchewan Roughriders (Boo!). Amber has a lot planned so I don't know if that could be part of the I'm pretty broke now. Only $62 in the bank right now. I have some cash in my wallet from people paying me back but I know that always goes fast. Gotta hit up Terry tomorrow too. Later peoples!

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

At school...still

This is the second day this week I've been working at school until after 7:00 pm but finished my classes at 11:00 am. Deadlines suck. But if I didn't have them I would never get anything done. Even having an extra week wouldn't do anything for me. I basically leave it all until the day before anyway. So yeah, two more midterms to go, project due on Friday, I can do it. We're going to Calgary this weekend to check out some places to live too. If I can just make it to the weekend things will be okay. My immediate problem is trying to do some more work tonight after eating a bunch of pizza and drinking too much beer at the student/prof mixer. Yeah...not much homework motivation at the moment. I'll try.