Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Way out of snowboarding condition...

Home is great, new TV is big, finished ping pong table looks nice....I'm really enjoying the holidays. I haven't spent a full day in Nanton yet. Every day I've been to Calgary. Monday I checked out the new place with Lucas, we are going to have a blast there. I've decided that I like all the rooms so I'm not going to be dissappointed when we draw from a hat. Helped Jeff move a bunch of his stuff home to Nanton too.

Tuesday I finally got out snowboarding on a real mountain in almost two years. Samad, boarding on Mont Saint-Saveur was nice...but it's still just a hill. I took Jeff and Petey to hit up Sunshine by Banff. It had snowed a bit the day before so there was lots of powder to be found in the trees. Lucas and his buddies were on the hill but I didn't find them until the second last run of the day. Instead I ran into some other Mec E friends at lunch. Thomas, Susan, Ada, Joe, Julie, Jeff, and Michelle were all down for a couple days. I toured with them for the rest of the day. Joe is working in Elkford, BC this winter so we might see him a few more times boarding at Fernie.

Today I moved a few things into my house and did some Christmas shopping with mom and the bros. I hate packed malls so I think I'm done for the season. If I don't have a Christmas present for you yet (you don't know who you are) then you'll just have to wait until January.

Brendan's back in Penticton now. I'm not sure if his cast is making it easier or harder to snowboard on Apex but I am sure that he's probably doing it anyway. He also sent me a picture from last Friday when we were riding the rollercoasters at West Ed. He and I found out where they moved the cameras to so we started making faces and such for the enjoyment of others. Here's one of the first, and probably the best.

They kept this picture up in their photo booth for a long time, lots of people were walking by, pointing and laughing. Probably thinking "what a couple of retards" least that's what I was thinking. Dan Hanford is in the back with his standard rollercoaster "I'm a psycho" smile on. Every time his picture was taken, on ANY ride, he looked like that. It's creepy people! Christmas Eve is only 2 days away! Time to get excited.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Merry Christmas Everybody...

I love this season. I just feel great right now, and not just because I'm done exams for 8 months. I just feel in love, not with someONE but I just have that warm feeling that the world is good, people are cheerful, and that this is going to be a great family Christmas back in Nanton.

I have some packing to get done right away here, part of which includes my computer. So, this will be my last blog from this station for the holidays. I'll have it set up again in Calgary very soon. I'll post a few from my computer in Nanton but its photo capabilities aren't so great with the slow internet. I think I have a few Christmas parties to go to so there should be a few pictures.

Here's a picture from the party I was at back on December 8th. I know Cheryl, Susan, Teresa, and Rosina but the rest of the names I failed to get that night. It was a really good time, lots of sugar desserts and hot apple cider. Thanks again Teresa, very nice job. It might be a while before I see a lot of these people in Edmonton again. A few are coming down to C-town with me but most will still be up here and I'll only see them a few times during the year. I think Jacob and Matt will be coming down to Calgary for a few weekends. Jacob just bought some nice skiis at West Edmonton Mall yesterday and I know he'll want to take those out a lot this winter. I'm excited for snowboarding too.

I should get going though. Brendan is on his way home to Penticton already and Nevin will be leaving for Paradise Valley soon too, so I need to get over there quick, return a few things, pick up a few things, and then get back to my own packing.

Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope you have a wonderful holiday and a happy new year!

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Class if over, deck the halls and all that jazz...

Yes, I'm done...almost. Classes were over on Wednesday and I've been studying really hard for finals ever since. If you believe that then you really need to do some studying to get smarter too. I've been putting in a little time here or there but nothing like I imagined in the last couple weeks of classes. "I'm going to study so much, I'll be so prepared!" Not happening really. But I have seen several good movies. Blade Trinity, Ocean's Twelve, Soul Plane, Man On Fire, and Bourne Supremacy. Yeah, really productive I know. I just think we all deserve a break.

I haven't written much since last Sunday because I had absolutely no time, then I had too much time. I was at the school at 7:30 am on Sunday and I stayed until 1:30 am Monday morning. 18 hours! I'd better get an awesome mark on the project, we get them back on Monday. Then trying to polish off a few last assignments and the first final on Wednesday, just brutal.

Wednesday afternoon/night was good. Went to RATT for a bit once we were done class, caught Blade at 4:00, Christmas party at Teresa's at 7:00, went to Panda Bear-Fest at the Armoury at 10:30. Nevin and I actually walked home from the bar that night. Really cold out but we didn't notice so much. Wonder why? It hasn't all been goofing off the last few days though. I've been putting in some good hours over at my cousin Colin's place. His basement was damaged in the flood in July. Good opportunity to touch the place up. So I've been cutting 2x4s, measuring, and swinging a hammer. Getting in at some of those angles is a real work out. I'm not supposed to be there tomorrow but it's so much fun (doing anything other than studying has become really fun) and it just feels good to help others. Maybe next weekend I can get some time in there.

Well, I'll go over one more assignment tonight. Peace y'all!

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Taking care of business...

I've actually been enjoying myself this weekend even though yesterday I put in over 12 hours at school. I never really saw daylight. What about today? It's 7:50 AM and I'm back at it. Wow was it cold on the walk to school.

The cold front finally hit Edmonton. We have snow! White stuff! It's been a pretty lacking winter so far. This far up North we like to be punished. This also means there might be some awesome snowboading in the Rockies this winter. I want more snow!

I guess if I'm here this early I should get started. We're going to finish today...I can't wait. Peace.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004


That's about all I have to say right now. This project is a real pain in the ass! Who care's if you can steer you plane on the ground anyway? All the fun is up in the air.

On a slightly good note I'm done 303!