Bar None...Woot!
I needed a weekend like this. Lost some money in poker Friday night. I just did that to prove to my friends that I always lose poker, money or no money. I probably could have won but then they'd make me keep playing. I didn't go out to the bar with them after. Instead I discovered a new TV-series called "Dead Like Me". It's about a girl who hated her life, her family, her boring summer job, and then she's killed by a toilet seat that came down with part of the MIR space station. Instead of going to heaven/hell she was recruited to be grim reaper. There are a few others around that help her get the hang of things. Pretty cool show, seeing would be better than having me explain it anymore.
Saturday I spent some time in the afternoon working on my lab report that's due in two weeks and then BAR NONE. Jeff has been working up here in Edmonton for a few weeks so he, Terry, and I went out together. Started off with a couple team pitchers of Kokanee at Dukes (Jeff's friend Matt was there too) and "tripped" upon a school bus of partiers going to Bar None. Great time singing songs on the bus. There was a huge line up at the Agricom when we got there so I took all the coats to get checked while they kept my place. Around that time they sold out of tickets so only those who already had them could get in. Jeff and Terry had tickets...I did not...crap. I found my high school friend, Steve, (he was managing the ticket booth and a few other duties) and decided to help him since I wasn't going anywhere else but home. A little later Sarah and Jen (also from Nanton) showed up. Sarah is one the big three organizers of Bar None this year and had an extra ticket on her, I bought the last one, number 2500. YES! Steve was done his duties so we finally entered the party.
For those of you who don't know Bar None is huge, like 20 drink stations and a dance floor big enough for a 400 person line dance! I ran into Jeff and Terry a few times during the night. They always seemed to have a different girl on their arms each time. I danced with my friend Daneen most of the night trying desparately to figure out the two step. I've done it before, I know it well, but the beer had fuzzed my memory. Luckily I have a few other dances that are engrained in my brain and I can do them in my sleep. I took the last LRT home while my bros caught the bus again and I met them at the Butterdome before going home. Yup, a good night.
Sunday I spent doing some homework, watching the Toronto Argonaugts kick some ass in the grey cup, and then finishing my Engg Management assignment with Nevin. These next few weeks really are going to be all about the homework. I want to catch either a Bears hockey game or volleyball game this Friday, whichever is in town. Okay, time to go vote Conservative! Go Klein Go!
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