Thursday, April 29, 2004

It's been a few day since I've posted a new entry but it has only been a few hours since I last worked on the page. I'm really starting to like this HTML thing as I learn more cool tricks. I might go buy a book on it this weekend. My roommates really liked my little tribute to them. I had Chris in tears, but isn't Samad the one that usually cries? The last 4 months have been really great and I look forward to the next four. Samad, Chris and I will be welcoming two new roommates next week. Eric is coming from UBC to work at Alcan and Danny (I think that was his name) is taking his masters at Queen's. It's definitely going to be a different atmosphere with all guys living there. We can finally watch what we want to on TV instead of Sharon making us watch hockey games, car shows, and wrestling. Hmm...maybe it wasn't that bad.

Sometimes I just think that change really sucks but I also know that things are usually changing for the better. I felt bad about leaving all my friends and family back in Alberta at Christmas but now I know I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. I wish I could continue to exist in all of the places my life has led me so far. Leave copies of me to continue having fun and tell me all about it. Yeah...I'll miss you guys.

Next up on the webpage front are a couple of pages for Ottawa and Montreal. Toronto will be there too whenever I get some more pictures. Right now all I could put up is a shot of Pearson Airport and one of Regina in front of a U of T sign. Guess that means I'll just have to go back.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly: Round Two

The Good: Kill Bill Volume 1. I wouldn't say it's one of the best movies I've ever seen but I did enjoy it. Tarentino had so many new ways of portraying a story. Each scene was different. A small part of the movie was even anime cartoon. Plus seeing Uma Thurman take out 80 guys is pretty cool. Like I said before I was a bit squirmish during that fight, but I made it through.

The Bad AND The Ugly: Kill Bill Volume 2. I wished for two things during this movie...that Uma Thurman's character, Beatrice Kiddo, had just died in the first one so there didn't have to be a second one...or...that she had killed me in the first movie so I didn't have to watch the second one. It was slow, and terrible, and slow, and no cool fight scenes, and slow, and, oh yes, painfully slow. Kevin and I were outraged by the end. Even the credits make you mad. They show every tiny little character that had 2 seconds of camera time...FROM BOTH MOVIES. The only way Eubert would have given this a good review is if it he said "I really enjoyed the movie, best sleep I've had in years". Tarentino is still genius though. He spends a lot of money and makes the first movie great but incomplete so that you HAVE to go see the second one. He then spends little or no money on the second one, provides some cool shots for advertisements, and makes it just long enough so that people watching the movie don't get out in time to warn the people going in to watch it in the theatre next door. Those poor souls, they are still there now, sitting in the theatre in absolute stillness...because they are asleep.

I must now go cheer on the Flames as they try to take the lead again in the series against Detroit. Boo Deadwings, Iggy RULES!

Monday, April 26, 2004

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Ah, what a mixed weekend. I'll start with the good first. Friday we watched Kill Bill Volume 1. I liked the movie. Some parts were very slow but it made up for it in other ways. There were scenes that had me squirming in my seat. We're going to see the second movie tomorrow night. We also got away to Toronto at a good time on Saturday. Samad, Nina, Ahmed, Annie, and I all made the trip during the afternoon. The weather was great, sunny and warm. I dropped Annie off in Scarborough and the rest of them off at the huge Square 1 Mall in Missassauga. I was then on my own to try and meet up with Regina downtown. I did eventually, just had to ask for a few directions. She and I ate at a place near campus called "The Duke of York" and then went for a walk around the University of Toronto. It is a huge campus with amazing buildings. Later in the evening we went for some beer and pool at the campus bar, O'Reily's. She's pretty good even if she pretends not to be. She'll sink the first couple balls with definite authority. We took on some couples in the bar and sent most of them packing. :) Thanks Regina, I had a lot of fun. I'll definitely be giving you a call to let you know when I'm in the city next. Late Saturday night was fun too. I was staying with Samad and Nina at Sabrina's place. Their friend Louisa was there too and we stayed up drinking beer and pina coladas until 3:30 or so. Those three girls know each other way too well, Samad and I just sat back and smiled for the most part.

The Bad: The next day was supposed to be my grand introduction to Canada's Wonderland. Instead, it was cloudy, raining, and very cold. I went on a total of 4 rides: 3 rollercoasters and one other. Stacy and her friends were a lot of fun so the day wasn't terrible. We also got raincheck tickets to go back this summer whenever we want. I'm waiting until there is some definite good weather. Stacy and I drove to the mall in Scarborough and waited there for Samad and Nina to catch the subway out.

The Ugly: Then the really crappy weather started. The 3 hour drive home was heavy rain, fog, and darkness. The 401 can be a scary road during those times. Luckily I had the Arrogant Worms CD and the groans from my friends to keep me alert the whole way home. It actually went by pretty quickly. I put 726.6 km on my car during that trip. A lot of driving for me in a day and half. It's nothing to what I'll be doing when I drive home in August. How many days do you think it'll take me? 2? 3? 4? I'm going the middle road and saying 3. If I'm making better time I'll just stall in some town a bit so that I can be right.

Today was okay back at work. Dmitri was there for the morning but then he had to catch his flight to Switzerland at noon. I have another week of sleeping very hard to impress my boss while he's half a world away. My alarm clock doesn't work anymore but I'll wait until next week to replace it. I love sleep. Kevin and I played volleyball at a high school near Queen's tonight. We were pretty much the shortest ones there and I was by far the worst. (At least I thought so, I guess everyone was making mistakes) They use a lot of set plays and stuff I haven't done since high school. I don't remember it all and need a few weeks to get it all back. Next Monday is the last one unless we get a lot of commitment from the guys to keep it going during the summer. If that doesn't work out I might get a membership at the YMCA near Alcan and start swimming and playing volleyball there this summer. I'll let you know how it all turns out of course.

Friday, April 23, 2004

Hey all. I love Fridays. Especially warm, sunny, beautiful Fridays...and ones where you have some kind of odd dinner date. Tonight I am making tacos and taking them over to Dana's. She and her roommate are packing for home tonight and don't have a lot of time to cook. Enter Mike, the "that's so sweet" guy. At least that's what they said this afternoon when I offered. Tomorrow I will definitely be catching up on some sleep and then heading to Toronto around 1:00 or 2:00 with a full carload. All I expect to get done is to see the CN tower and see Regina. It's been about 9 or 10 years since I last saw her. And that's saying something when you're only 21! Well that hamburger isn't going to cook itself, later peoples.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

I spent some time today trying to book my plane ticket to go home in June. For some reason the travel agency that I used last time just isn't answering their phones today. I also remember hearing something about Air Canada going under...again. They are the only ones that fly out of Kingston. I could drive to Toronto and fly with a different company from there, but driving 3 hours after a flight would really suck. That is, of course, IF I come back. I will. I enjoy this place more and more every day. I still think of this like a cool 8 month vacation in Kingston where I have a good job to pay for my stuff while I'm here. Would you vacation in Kingston though? For 8 months? That made me start thinking of my next term...where do I want to vacation next?

I think Costa Rica would be a good one. I've already found a site that talks about an internship program down there to bring in engineers, doctors, accountants and other educated people from other countries. Just imagine if I could get a job helping to fix the highways near Tan Marindo or even just an office job in the capital, San Jose. I'm sure they're working on new hydroelectric dams and power stations, or maybe better agricultural equipment for their banana and papaya plantations. I could live near Fortuna and the plantations there and mountain bike on weekends. It would be the perfect time of year to go too. The rainy season ends in December/January and everything would be lush and green. I doubt any job I get there would pay very well, but that wouldn't matter. If I don't do this for my next term I might do it when I graduate. Just take off to some part of the world with only my suitcase and hockey stick and work for two years. Yes, that's what I'll do, who's with me?

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

I slept in until 8:15 this morning. I don't know why it is so hard to get up at this time. Most semesters I have 8:00 am classes. My last job at Exxon started at 7:00 am and lifeguarding usually had me up at 5:30 or 6:00 am. At least I picked a good week to do it in. It was rainy today so I drove and wasn't so late. I hope this weather clears up for Sunday when I'm riding rollercoasters in Toronto. It doesn't look like any of my roommates are making the trip with me so I'll be heading there alone. Stacy will probably come with me on the way back.

I think I'll try and get a good sleep tonight too. I can't rely on my alarm anymore because it just picks random mornings to work. I have volleyball from 8:00 to 9:30 and then I'm going to see Dana at The Brass at 10:00. The days are just packed. Senators lost last night which sucks, but from they way they played and the way that Belfour was robbing them, the Leafs definitely deserved the win. I think they'll do better in the second round anyway. Another bad thing about it is I lost my bet with Terry and have to get him something nice for his grad. But I still get to go to the party so the jokes on him!

Weather: Cloudy, cold, rainy, lightning....and I'm still happy.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

WOOOO YEAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Calgary wins! The Flames win the series!!! YEAHH YEAHH yeahhh yeah ye.... *flames rock*. I have now lost my voice, much to the relief of my Vancouver roommates. While it was so very very sweet to see the Flames triumphant the moment was spoiled by the look on Kevin's face. He looked so sad that I could feel his pain. It is late though so I will leave you with two parting thoughts:

Iggy rocks my balls off! (Yeah Flames)

Is staying up late for playoff game sevens an okay excuse for being really late the next day?

I know the first one is true but I'll let you know how the second one goes tomorrow. GO FLAMES GO! GO FLAMES GO! I LOVE HARVEY THE HOUND! YELL FOR YELLE! IGGY ROCKS! BRENDAN'S QUEER! GO FLAMES GO!

Monday, April 19, 2004

Well today was the first day of my vacation...oops, I mean Dmitri's vacation. It was very peaceful at work today. I got my usual amount of word done but luckily it was mostly planning and phone calls and only a little bit of cleaning metal samples. Tomorrow will be much busier. I'll spend the whole morning at the plant taking flow readings. I'll probably take a good book with me because it only requires me to get up and walk around every 20 minutes and read some gauges. In the afternoon I'll work with Rob or test the samples I've prepared. As long as I take these three projects each one step at a time I should be able to accomplish a lot. I'll always have something to do and I just have to stay focused. That's one problem with Dmitri. Our talks try to cover the next four or five steps for each one which gets me all confused. He'll just forget about them when I live his office and have me brief him the next day on what I've done. I wish I could just talk to him about my immediate next step. I have the big picture down but filling in ALL the details now is just too hard. It feels like school!

Well two game 7's to watch tonight. I'm cheering for the Habs and Flames which probably means they'll both lose, so maybe I should pick Boston and Vancouver. I also have another volleyball game tonight. Yeah! It's at 8:00 and my goal until then is to convince Chris he needs to play with us. His girlfriend Norma is still here and they're usually out each night. If they have plans we're sunk but if I can make Norma think Chris has become a super awesome player and it would be a very exciting game with him there, then maybe she'll want to go and bring Chris with her. Chris listens to Norma. Game on!

Oh, on another note I've been talking to Regina Lee a couple times recently. She used to live in Nanton and I haven't seen her since about grade 6 but she's at the University of Toronto right now. It'll be nice to have someone there who knows the city, I'm going to try and visit her after her exams. Anyway, it's home time!

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Hey all, sorry it's been so long. It's cuz I've been having just too much fun...and I mean it this time. I've really enjoyed this weekend even if the weather has been sub-par. I visited two new bars/clubs on Friday. The Griz is a really nice place with pool tables up at the back. It's along the lines of the Iron Horse for those from E-town but with 10 times the elbow room and no dance floor. For dancing we went next door to AJ's Hangar. Again, very cool place. The have some kind of propeller fighter plane hanging from the ceiling over the floor. The men's bathrooms are very hidden though, you'd never have a chance if you were a little bit inebriated.

On Saturday Sharon and I went with a group of Alcan people to see a Broadway musical in Toronto. It is called "The Producers" and was written by Mel Brooks. If you've seen Spaceballs or Blazing Saddles then you know exactly the kind of humor. American Pie had fewer sexual innuendos. The songs were great, the acting was great. I've never seen anything like it but I'll definitely try to go again. I wish you could buy them on video and show your friends. There was also a great hockey game on last night, a couple of them. Montreal beat Boston again to take the series to a game seven (yeah) and Vancouver took out Calgary in the third overtime last night also to force a game seven (BOOO!). My dad was at that game, I tried calling him but the fans in the Saddledome were so loud he never heard his phone. He even tried calling during the intermission and my mom could barely hear him. That place would have been nuts if Calgary had won. Oh well, they'll win tomorrow and give C-town a few more home games to enjoy.

Today has just been a lazy, rainy day. I've passed my Bond game and now I'm working on the harder playing levels. I also bought a couple of movies this afternoon, Drumline and Brother Bear. I think my roommates will want to see BB with me so I think I'm going to go enjoy some drumming action. Hope the weekend is going well for the rest of you. Is it still snowing in Calgary? It might just be some desperate attempt of mother nature trying to extend the Flames hockey season. I hope it works.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

What's up Wednesday? Not a heck of a lot. I was up late last night watching CALGARY KICK SOME VANCOUVER BUTT! The 4-0 win over the 'Nucks was great although I had pick a couple Vancouver players for my hockey pool. I also had some Detroit players that got whipped by Nashville. I got minus 67 points last night. Getting 67 would have been great, but minus 67 has killed me. I'm out of the pool, no chance of revival. Brendan skipped ahead 4 or 5 spots in one night. Lucky guy. Anyway my boss was not here this morning...or at lunch...or this afternoon. It took me until just a few minutes ago to ask the secretary at the front desk and find out he's in Toronto for the day. It feels like I got zero sleep last night and I could have slept in and no one would have know except my conscience...and who ever listens to that guy. I would justify it by saying I would have the same amount of work done now as I would if I had slept until noon and then come to work. Luckily I had another morning in the contact angle lab and it doesn't take very much brain power.

It was raining this morning when we were driving to work but now it is sunny and mostly blue and feels warm (inside Alcan anyway). I think tonight would be a good night for a run and a nap. I'll see if one of my roomies is up for a run tonight too. That or maybe one of the other people I've met here in Kingston would want to go. I got set up last Thursday to meet a girl...and her my mom... I must say it didn't sound like the best scenario but Dana and her family were very nice and we had a good dinner at a place called Chez Piggy. It's an old limestone building tucked away somewhere on Princess St. I was worried I wouldn't find it for a while. Dana is a student here at Queen's which means she has her finals going on right now but running always helped me study. Okay, okay, so I've never run during studying time. What do I do that helps? Hmm, watching TV is a good one...oh, and computer games, can't forget those...and playing the guitar is a good one too. It might sound a lot like procrastination but it really is my tried and tested study method. It works because my friends call to see what I'm studying and I can tell them than I'm just playing games and watching the tube. That lets them think the test is easy, not study at all themselves, and then Mr. Bell Curve is very nice to me. You have to look at it from all angles people. If I have to tonight I can just run solo...or even just nap...I'll keep you updated on this intense breaking story.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Ah ha! It took me a while but I finally found that name of the guy in the picture with me and the cup. He is Phil Pritchard and gets to travel everywhere with the cup. He's been to Russia, LA, Sweden, even middle of no where lakes here in Ontario where a lot of NHL hockey players have cabins. Pretty cool stuff. Anyway, for those of you who know me well, you know how relieved I am to finally have found that name. I just can't let it go. Peace people. Time to go visit Duncan and his fume hood.

Monday, April 12, 2004

I got my pictures developed after work tonight. I also ate too much Chinese food at the mall. I could probably stop running so much if I could just learn to eat normal amounts of food. Of course I don't blame myself...I blame my grandma's, both of them. Grandma Hornecker is always present at these huge Thanksgiving meals and Christmas dinners, I know she's behind it. Even opening presents is difficult after you've eaten a bunch of her chicken, grave, and sweet potatoes. And I would say Grandma Tenove is worse. I've lived with her a couple years while going to university. She raised five kids and still cooks like they're still all there even though it's just Jeff and I (and Brendan...and Kolla...and Matt...okay so there's still five). But it's still too much food. I gain so much weight at her place. Just when you thought you've finally finished off one of her meals in a single night, she brings out the back-up ham and a couple of pies for desert (Brendan will back me up on that one). I mean, I've practically wasted away here to the sickly weight of 190 lbs. If I live there again I'm going to try out for the Edmonton Eskimos as a linebacker. Anyway back to the pictures. Just so you know I'm not lying here is one with me and the "Keeper of Lord Stanley's Cup" and another with me and the parliament buildings. Peace y'all!

Ai ai ai! Why couldn't we have Monday off? I'm so dead today. I got the normal amount of sleep an all, I've been getting a lot of exercise too. But today I'm just dead. Luckily I'm doing some easy lab tests with the samples I blasted, cleaned, and sheared. The tests are easy. I clamp the metal samples and hang them in the machine which just dips them in a beaker of pure water and takes measurements. I'll have more analyzing work to do later, but for now its pretty easy. Each test takes about 6-7 minutes where I can just sit and day dream. Chris comes in a talks to me sometimes too (he often has to do the same tests as me). Kevin just messengered me and wants to go play ping pong. I guess I can muster up the energy to kick his ass, then I'll nap for the rest of the day. The lab I'm in is on the south side of the building with lots of sunlight coming in. If I sit down for too long on the comfy red lab chair I'm in real danger of falling asleep. Later peeps.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Hey all, how are you enjoying the long weekend. Remember when we used to get a whole week off of school? Now it's just one day but I think we made good use of it. We left for Ottawa Friday morning just after 7:00 am. First we drove along Sussex Dr and took a look at all the sweet homes that our government officials get to live in. Then we parked by the parliament building and spent pretty much the rest of the day around there. We took the elevator up to the top of the Peace Tower where you have a great view of Ottawa and the river there. The Peace Tower is the center tower of the parliament building, the windows are just below the big clock. We came back down in time to hear the bells ring at 11:00 and see the 'turning of the pages'. In the peace tower are the books that hold the names of all the Canadian soldiers that lost their lives in Canada's wars. At 11:00 everyday they turn the pages because the Great War ended at 11:00 am. We walked around a bunch of other places too. The Supreme Court, Hotel Laurier, Ottawa's Notre Dame, some of the more interesting streets. In the afternoon we also drove across the river to Hull, Quebec to see the Canadian Museum of Civilization. Sharon and I went to see the exhibits while Chris and his girlfriend, Norma, took a look at the grounds outside. There are many displays of Canada's First People as well as the evolution of Canada, starting from the Indians all the way to modern day. They have displays of ships, printing presses, old cars, everything to do with our recorded history of this land. This is a model of a cathedral that was in one of the displays. There are thousands of handmade pieces and it took the guy like 20 years to build (he did other stuff too in that time). Better to see live.

And that wasn't all. Upon walking out of these exhibits I saw a familiar looking cup sitting on a table. The Stanley Cup actually. I didn't know why it was there but the museum had just opened up a Maurice Richard exhibit the night before and the Cup and a few other trophies were there as well. It was better than seeing it at the Heritage Day Classic. Here I got to touch the cup, read the team names, and even get my picture taken with the 'Keeper of Lord Stanley's Cup'. You know, that guy from the master card commercial that takes the cup everywhere and keeps it safe and looking good. I even talked to him for 5 or 10 minutes while we were waiting for enough people to leave so we could get a picture. Nice guy, probably has to talk to a lot of cup-crazy idiots like me. Anyway it was a very good trip to Ottawa. The drive is just over an hour and a half and despite what my roommates may think, I love the city. I can't wait to go back for another trip in the summer. I hope the rest of you get a chance to see the capital as well. Happy Easter everybody!

Thursday, April 08, 2004

It's Thursday! Last day of work for the week! Give me a YEAH! YEAH!!! Give me a Mike Rules! ........ C'mon guys, get in the spirit. Ah well, with or with out a Mike Rules this is going to be an awesome weekend. There is a possibility that I might be going to Ottawa tomorrow, maybe for a day trip, maybe for a bit longer. Today though, much work to get done, and I'm excited to do it. Kevin and I stayed up until after 1:00 am last night watching Calgary go down in flames (pun) to Vancouver. Funny enough I was the only one in the house even a bit sad about this. It's not like my roommates are from Vancouver or anything...oh wait, they are. Anyway I was still up before 7:00 this morning and feeling great. I don't know if this energy will last until the end of the day. It's like the hyperness you get when you've stayed up all night at a party. Plus the sun is out and shining today. If it had been dark and cloudy I'd talking to you still...but I wouldn't be as happy about it. Time for another trip to the plant. I really like my job some days, ya know? Later peoples...and remember, 'No one dope as me!'. (S.B.)

PS: Leave me comments. It helps me through the boring parts of the day.

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Ughh, this template stuff is so hard. I wish I could visualize it more as I code, I'll get there sometime. I need to finish it quick though, it's outside weather. Time to start getting a tan. In Canada, if you start now in April you might have one by the end of the year. Here's hoping! Later peoples.

Well today was a slow day. Even though it is a short week and I probably won't workout on Friday I still took today off of the gym. I felt that it was time to update the old blog page. So this new template is the result of my lunch hour. Hope you like it people. Give me some feed back if you can. (ie. too simple? more pics?) Mom, let me know how long it takes to load the picture on your computer at home please.

PS: Who wants to go to Ottawa this weekend?

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

You are 15% geek
OK, so maybe you ain't a geek. You do, at least, show a bit of interest in the world around you. Either that, or you have enough of a sense of humor to pick some of the sillier answers on the test. Regardless, you're probably a pretty nifty, well-rounded person who gets along fine with people and can chat with just about anyone without fear of looking stupid or foolish or overly concerned with minutiae. God, I hate you.

Monday, April 05, 2004

Ah, what a beautiful weekend. The sun was shining, the sky was blue, the air was least it was somewhere else in the world. Definitely not in Kingston. It rained all weekend except for Sunday when there was a bunch of snow. It was cold, windy, and everything was grey. But it was still a good weekend. Friday I went to see a reggae/jazz/rock band play down at Queen's. Great time there until I sliced my finger trying to tie Duncan's shoelaces to his chair. Serves me right I guess. Wait? Did I actually say that? Saturday was more eventful. Watched Hellboy in the afternoon with Sharon and Chris before going for supper at Whiskey Willie's. Then the holiest of concerts, the Arrogant Worms. Those guys were so good, they rocked the place and my sides hurt from laughing and my hands hurt from clapping. I'm so mad that none of my roomies got to experience that. No matter what they say, I know they would have had an awesome time. Samad, Nina, and Duncan were there after the show was over and we went to the Queen's Pub for a bit. More music and drinks. Gingerale, gotta love the hard stuff. I watched most of Edmonton's last game of the year, they're toast now...(moment of silence)...but I salvaged the evening by finally getting up the courage to sit down and talk to one of these single Queen's girls watching the bands play by herself. Her name was Bana and we talked most of the night. See, it isn't so hard. We even went for a run the next day. Wow was that a mistake. I thought my treadmill conditioning would put me up to the task the end of the run I didn't invite her to go for a drink or a bite to eat. All I could think about was getting home before I could no longer keep a straight face from all the pain. My feet were blistered and my legs could barely hold me up. I hope she doesn't think I blew her off but it was less damaging that needing to have her carry me home 10 minutes later. Ah well, at least I got a workout...or seven...on Sunday. I still went to the gym today but only did exercises where I could sit. The legs are pretty stiff today, didn't stop me from dominating the ping pong table. Peter, next time we play I'm going to shut you out completely. I'll maybe allow you a few mercy points if you're being nice to me. Cherrio people, nevermind the bullocks! (I think only Brendan will get that) Strong Bad RULES!

Friday, April 02, 2004

Do you know what the most annoying sound in the world is? No, it's not Lloyd's screech on Dumb & Dumber. It's the Meep! Meep! Meep! of my alarm clock. It's annoying on so many levels. First is sounds awful and has the ability to pull you from the best and deepest sleeps. Second it means that you have the whole day of work ahead of you (I turn it off on weekends). And thirdly even if it shows mercy and for some strange reason does not go're freakin' late for work. With no reasonable explanation my alarm took a morning off and I woke up after I should have already been at work. Now as nice as that feels, you bust your ass to get moving and limit the damage. I was fine because it's now 1:00 pm and I still haven't seen Dmitri today. I wasn't that late, 8:30 or so and I usually try to be here before 8:00. It just meant no shower and a super fast breakfast.

So what do I do tonight? I'm thinking going to the opening of Hellboy would be nice. I'll probably be going alone though. Jeff, I need you here bro. I can talk you into going to anything, but I don't think I'd have to talk you into this one. Maybe just calm you down during those 'sudden' moments in the show! ;) We'll see some good flicks in Cow-town when I get back k? Terry, Peter, you guys too. Mom and Dad can come too if they promise to be cool. No Dad, doctor jokes are not fact none of your jokes are cool. (I know because I think they're hilarious)

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Country music. I miss it. Kingston doesn't have a country station which just baffles me coming from Calgary. I filled my MP3 player instead. This music just calms me, makes me think, and reminds me of much of my past. Yes it most times will put me into one of those no-energy, just want to be alone and ponder, moods but I've needed one for a while. My life had been charging ahead lately and I'm so busy most of the time I'm missing it. Even when I'm bored-out-of-my-mind times seem hectic. Right now this music reminds me most of when I lived in Calgary. I miss living with Scott across from Lyndsay Park, I miss talking with the same girl every morning waiting for the bus, I miss walking past Ed's door every morning and seeing him already hard at work. He'd be pouring over some spreadsheet or map and still say 'hi', knowing I was there without looking up. I miss chatting with Donna across the hall about our lots down in Montana. I miss listening to Murray about how Exxon sucks and listening to Bernie about how the company is so great. I could go on for a long time, each memory I think about brings a few more back. I don't miss this place yet but only because I'm still here. (makes sense) I know that Next winter I'll be sitting somewhere, listening to slow country music, and thinking about all the great stuff and all the little stuff I did while I was in Kingston...

Why does time have to go forward. I don't really need a reverse, but at least a brake. I sit through some of the greatest moments of my life wondering why it's going so fast. I wouldn't mind if everyone slowed down for a bit, seeming to float as they moved, saying "hhiiiiiii MMiiiiikkkkkeeee....nnnnoooooooooooooo" in that deep, slow-mo voice. In that moment I could notice 100 things about them and lock it into my memory. I think my life needs a change or I'm going feel very least while this song is still playing. I must get rid of TV. With 2 hours of straight Friends on every night I think I've seen them all now. It's getting warmer and the days are longer no more. I need to learn how to be good on my rollerblades, I want to practice my pitching, I want to run along the lake with my new headphones on, and I want to be a great cook. I'm going to try and use up all the random food I have at my place this weekend and then after start some real planning. I'm only going to buy exactly what I need for my three meals a day, plus some fruit for snacks. Yes, a new cup cake is being born...maybe one that was baked just a little too long.