Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Showing the old boys how it's done...

I dedicate this to my two loyal fans, Kyla and Real Mom. Whoever you are, thank you.

Anyway, it's almost 6:00 pm and I'm still downtown at work with no intention of leaving anytime soon. BUT I'm in a really good mood. Why? The answer ends with Tim Hortons. Am I drinking a medium regular Tim's coffee right now? Well...yes...but that's not part of the good mood answer. Am I going to explain it all to you now? Pfft...please...it's me...of course I am.

I need to get a lot of work done in a short time period this week but today I had courses and meetings and stuff that took up the WHOLE day. I start working on my stuff on my Crack-berry during breaks, for 10 minutes at lunch, and then finally at 4:00 I sat down to start.

Dave, another new engineer here, and I decided that a Tim's run would be a good idea since we're both going to be staying a little late. I hadn't even sat down long enough at my computer to crack the tab on my coffee when my boss, Rocky, popped his head in my office and said "Mike, we need your expertise, come quick". "Rocky, I'm far too busy to help you so why don't you just turn around and go figure it our yourself" is what I did NOT say.

So off I go, down the hall. Mike, my superintendent is trying to print pictures 4 to a page but they're coming out as 4 tiny little thumbnails on the paper. My job is to fix this. "Email to me Mike and I'll have figured out in less than 2 minutes". "Blah blah blah...nerd...blah...um, thanks."

The fix was quite simple (well, not really but I happen to have had a similar problem recently so I just lucked out) so in 2 minutes I was walking back to Mike and Rocky with freshly printed pictures, 4 to a page.

"Holy crap Tenove. How did you get that figured out so fast? I think you can expect a bonus of at least a couple million this year" is what I did NOT hear. They did thanked me and, of course, were impressed with the speed and quality of my work. It's easy when you work with great people like them...is what I SHOULD have said.

So...Tim's? Rocky stopped by my office again a couple minutes later with a $10 gift certificate to Tim Hortons as a thanks for amazing technical mastery of this and other recent tasks. Sweet. I'm set for the rest of the week now...or at least the rest of tonight.


At 10/03/2007 5:13 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoever I am? Do I have to reveal the birthmark or what you looked like the moment you were born? (which was perfect by the way and why we must suffer to this day!) Good job on the techie stuff. Now why doesn't my computer work like I want it to?


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