Monday, November 08, 2004

Aw crap!

I was about to write a really happy and excited entry earlier today about the sweet place that we were going to get in Calgary...but I would have been lying. Lucas got the call today and they're going to rent to someone else. We wanted it so bad, so yeah, kinda depressed tonight even though I'm finally done midterms. Some of the other places we looked at were pretty nice so we're not really going to be left out. I know this work term is going to be awesome even without that sweet house. The one that is number 2 on my list has a nice bar downstairs, a sauna, and 4 large, equally sized bedrooms. Our neighbour is a cop but I think we can deal with that. The people living there now aren't exactly "legit" as they put it. Yeah, we'll probably have to do a good sweep of the place for hidden stores of drugs.

But yeah, midterms are over now...I guess I'm really happy about that. The marks haven't really been coming in for me this year but I think everyone has to have a semester like that. Just no motivation at the moment. I got 57% on my heat transfer midterm, just barely above class average. I have managed to stay above class average on everything, but not by much.

Tomorrow will be better I know. We'll decide on a new place to live and I'll be even more excited about going to Vancouver on Wednesday. It's going to be a sweet trip. Chris is picking me up at the airport and I'll hang out with him and Kevin for the night I think. Sharon might be there too. Thursday we're having a big dinner with everyone else, including Duncan, Dieta, and of course, Amberations. I really miss her and can't wait to see her soon. I don't know if I'm going to make it out to Vancouver Island this trip but I would really love to see Victoria and maybe have lunch at my uncle Ron's place. There's also the CFL Western Finals game on Sunday, BC Lions (meh) against the Saskatchewan Roughriders (Boo!). Amber has a lot planned so I don't know if that could be part of the I'm pretty broke now. Only $62 in the bank right now. I have some cash in my wallet from people paying me back but I know that always goes fast. Gotta hit up Terry tomorrow too. Later peoples!


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