Merry Christmas Everybody...
I love this season. I just feel great right now, and not just because I'm done exams for 8 months. I just feel in love, not with someONE but I just have that warm feeling that the world is good, people are cheerful, and that this is going to be a great family Christmas back in Nanton.
I have some packing to get done right away here, part of which includes my computer. So, this will be my last blog from this station for the holidays. I'll have it set up again in Calgary very soon. I'll post a few from my computer in Nanton but its photo capabilities aren't so great with the slow internet. I think I have a few Christmas parties to go to so there should be a few pictures.
Here's a picture from the party I was at back on December 8th. I know Cheryl, Susan, Teresa, and Rosina but the rest of the names I failed to get that night. It was a really good time, lots of sugar desserts and hot apple cider. Thanks again Teresa, very nice job. It might be a while before I see a lot of these people in Edmonton again. A few are coming down to C-town with me but most will still be up here and I'll only see them a few times during the year. I think Jacob and Matt will be coming down to Calgary for a few weekends. Jacob just bought some nice skiis at West Edmonton Mall yesterday and I know he'll want to take those out a lot this winter. I'm excited for snowboarding too.
I should get going though. Brendan is on his way home to Penticton already and Nevin will be leaving for Paradise Valley soon too, so I need to get over there quick, return a few things, pick up a few things, and then get back to my own packing.
Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope you have a wonderful holiday and a happy new year!
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