How I Met Your Mother...
By far my favorite TV show on the air now is "How I Met Your Mother". I've been a pretty steady fan of others like CSI, Scrubs, Lost, and more recently, Heroes, but this one tops all others. Not to many shows make me laugh so hard out loud. Give it a watch some time. Best character: Barney played by Neil Patrick Harris (aka Doogie Howser).
In other news, I am missing real work. I've had so much training in the last couple weeks since getting back from Costa Rica and I have much more to come. I just finished a 2 hour online class and have to get some work done before my casing desing course over lunch. I always say I miss school but with this load I don't think that's true anymore. I get plenty of class time here. The good thing is my (almost) last course of the summer is two weeks Houston. That'll be quite the experience. Nevin will be down there on his last bit of training so we'll have to party it up a couple nights. I think an Astros game is in order too.