Vacaciones buenas, mis padres...
My parents are off again to the beautiful country of Costa Rica for three weeks. They're going down to see the construction progress on our "house". It sure is nice to have the buying power of a good dollar. This place is going to rock and I can't wait to get down there in May. My uncle Mike from California is going with them too. He turns 50 on Feb 12th. I also hear that Nevin was conned into dropping my parents off at 5:00am tomorrow...what a sucker. Don't worry buddy, my bad for being gone, I'll owe you one.

You all know I'm an Oilers Fan first. Flames Fan though? Maybe second or third as long as they're way behind the Oilers (which, unfortunately, they're not at the moment). I like Iginla, I like Kiprosoff, and the other guy I liked before he was traded to the Kings was Craig Conroy. Well guess what, he's back! Apparently Iginla was asked what the Flames needed to improve their team and his answer was get Conroy back. Many Flames Fans agreed with that. Last night Conroy suited up for his first game back in C-town against...guess who...the Kings. I think Iggy must be a genius because Conroy had 2 goals in the 4-1 win. Immediately do the Oilers ever need someone like that.
The well is going okay, dealing with some minor problems but still drilling like crazy. Helped remove the casing protectors last night so I finally got my coveralls dirty...really dirty. Don't feel so bad about all the pie I've been eating out here now.