Blah! It's a word that can describe many situations, many moods, and this weekend. Now it wasn't a bad weekend, I feel good and all, but it wasn't exciting. Today was cloudy, rainy, little bit of snow, and blah! Today I made breakfast, watched a few movies, went for a very short bike ride, and ate pizza. I guess that's better than some weekends but it's left me in a very blah mood. I still have hockey tonight. I don't that will be blah, but if I don't digest some of this pizza first it's going to be "blugh" all over the ice. I must start remembering to limit how much I try to stuff myself before I play hockey...or any aerobic sport...or just at any time really. My weightlifting isn't going to do much if I don't shed some of this insulating layer. It is spring after all.
I watched my third Frontenac hockey game on Friday. They lost, but it was still a great game. I wish I could have some of the goalie's saves on replay. I also wish I had someone else there to share it with. I don't mean a girlfriend, but any friend. My roommates were all busy or otherwise occupied that night. I sat between two very vocal 80 year old men during the first period and spent much of that time scanning the other side of rink for a place to sit durning the rest of the game. I spied a group of cute girls on the other side of the arena and made my way over there durning the first intermission. My 'radar' is not what it used to be and spent the rest of the game sitting in front of four of the most 'well endowed' 15 year olds in Ontario. The cute radar is working fine, but the age radar is a bit fuzzy. Must not have the new settings in there after turning 21.
Saturday night was okay too. It had been a while since I'd played volleyball down at Queen's. I've started taking lessons from Kevin on how to spike the ball. I never think I'm high enough off the ground but last night I just decided to go for it. And it was working. I can spike again. I even managed to break Ahmed's block once. Put it off his nose. He was okay but I was wary going up to the net against him for the rest of the night. We watched "Duplex" at Stacy's after the game. Good movie, excellent ending, I recommend it. Poor Ben Stiller. The scene where he's unclogging the sink have to see it. But really, the poor guy.
Going back and reading this I see that my weekend was actually pretty good. I think just the last 15 minutes have been blah and put me in this blah mood. I should have my car here in a week and a half though. Very exciting news. My range here is very limited, and renting cars is a pain. I loved driving my car last weekend back in Alberta. It's freedom to me. Even driving down my gravel road seemed new and exciting. The first thing I'm going to do with it here is drive up and down all the streets in Kingston. It's not a huge city but it will definitely take more time than going around all the streets in Nanton. You can almost do that on one breath. With my car and my camera you can expect some good pictures to start appearing on my website. . I might just to take a few now. Good night peoples.