Friday, January 30, 2004

Damn, no hockey tonight...not for me anyway. But there is a Frontenac game. Maybe I'll finally catch one. We'll finally see if this OHL is anything compared to the WHL.

Another weekend almost here! Yeah. Plus, today is payday! Double-Yeah. No traveling though, just hockey, volleyball, more hockey...the usual. But I have a question for you people (click on the comment link to give an answer). If you were in Eastern Canada, what is the thing you would most want to see or do? Montreal is pretty cool, Ottawa is our nations capital, Toronto has a huge amusement park. There's NHL games, snowboarding on super small hills, concerts... I dunno what to do next. Tell me what you think. Peace.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Wednesday is pizza day in the cafeteria...nice!

I waited a few days for that last long entry to sink in. You wouldn't believe what happened on Monday though. Dmitri found out he had to to go Cleavland for a week long conference. He left Tuesday and won't get back until Friday afternoon. Unfortunately he gave me a whole list of things to get done, but I think I can manage. Maybe. Other good news, I'm winning my hockey pool finally. I have been for a while but only by a few points. I don't want to speak too soon though, the season isn't over yet. I get to play hockey this Friday. 10:00 to 11:30 ice time at Queen's. I'm not complaining. And volleyball on Saturday, hockey again on Sunday. I go to the gym four out of my five lunch hours right now. I'm just might get back in shape here. But time to start on task number one...ordering some thermocouples. For my classmates, you would not believe how much Mec 300 is helping me now. All I do is work with flow meters, thermocouples, thermistors and stuff like that. For my family in Nanton...well...hahahahaha. Just kidding, I hope you guys get that furnace working soon. Send Peter across the field for some fire wood. Oh, and for those concerned about me because of what they saw happening in Toronto (huge snow storm) it has so far only grazed us. Just a little new snow each morning. We'll get it soon enough. Peace.

Sunday, January 25, 2004

Well I'm back. I'm safe. I can't believe I wasted a weekend. Not on Montreal, that was freakin' amazing. I wasted many other weekends NOT being in Montreal. We didn't board, I'll get that out right off the start. It was -37 C today in Montreal. So we stayed inside, makes sense. I'll take you through it. We got into Montreal late Friday night, stopped by Samad's place and were quickly off looking for some clubs. On the way we made a detour to look at some of the super rich homes on top of the hill. (Montreal is a huge island in the St. Lawrence) Very cool homes. Most look like miniature castles or hobbit homes or something. All done in stone and wood. The first club was a four story awesome place by McGill, but the line up was very long, and did I mention it was cold. Next we went to Lulu Lounge, very dark place with black people and lots of smoke. Not bad but no place to sit. We struck gold with our next place. I can't remember the name correctly, I'll ask Samad sometime and post it, but I think it was Saint Sepice or something like that. This had three stories rocking to music, playing pool and other things. It was a good night.

The next day we started out with a tour of St. Joseph's Cathedral. Man, this place was soooo huge. I walked down the main hall and had to sit down so I didn't faint. The organ...I just can't describe it. I think they had to build it first and THEN the rest of the cathedral around it. I'll get Samads digital pictures soon and put them up on a site where you can see them. My camera was frozen half the trip so I didn't get a single picture taken. Next time. We did some more driving, ate Persian food, went to Old Port (couple of massive ships in the harbour), and hung out at Nina's appartment for a while. After supper we took off to the Comedy Zone for a good stand-up show. These guys are way better than the foul-mouthed pricks we have at Yuk Yuk's back in Edmonton. Way better. The show there ended early enough to catch a jazz show near by at 'Le Swimming'. And this is your funky, go nutz on the piano jazz. There was an electric guitar, bass guitar, and wicked drummer. It was as much rock and roll as it was jazz. Duncan went crazy on the dance floor. Dropped his coat, chucked his glasses, and he was gone. Didn't come back until the end of the show. Le Swimming I think was such a great place. If I lived in Montreal I think many of my Friday and Saturday nights would be spent there. Hell, any day of the week. That was it for Saturday though.

Today we went for dim sum for lunch, excellent food here in Montreal. Duncan and I explored some of downtown and the Eatons Center. I had left my wallet back in the car so unfortunately it was only window shopping for me. We took the Metro back to Nina's where she and Samad were stressing out about their exchange papers to Australia, or Singapore, or Australia, or Singapore, the battle continues. Samad and Nina were very up tight the whole weekend. We kept telling Samad to calm down, but he wouldn't have it. He just went psyco most of the time and Nina felt it was her mission to ruin the whole weekend for us. :) (inside joke) They were both excellent hosts and we enjoyed our time there very much. I can't wait to go back. I think we're going in two weeks but if I had my way, it would be next weekend. I'm beat though. Slept most of the way home, much to Samad's annoyance. (I think I promised to stay awake)

But in closing: I love Montreal. It is beautiful, interesting, there is always something to do...and this was very cold. Colder than it is usual, lucky us I guess. Later peeps. The Trials of Dmitri begin in jsut a few hours. Wish me luck!

Friday, January 23, 2004

Hey people. Thought I'd get one more off before I leave for Montreal. Samad is driving, I might not make it back!!! JK Samad's done this a lot before, I'm sure he can do it sleeping. Anyway I have some unbelievable news. My boss told me my work was great this morning. I almost passed out. He actually liked what I was doing. This makes the whole job much nicer to do. I haven't talked to Phil yet, the sailor guy. But he is in today, I saw him. He can't hide forever. I'm so happy to be going somewhere tonight though. I say in the house every evening. I only leave for work. I had big plans to go out for supper last night, to spend a night on the down. But my roomies had already made their supper, and there was a movie on, and it was cold, and a bit snowy, and well....I caved. I stayed in AGAIN!!! But not,no,no I'm GONE BABY!! Two and a half more hours and I can leave! Toodles people!

Thursday, January 22, 2004

Wow, was I ever busy last night. Everything started to happen at once. All of my emails and questions were getting answered and I had to deal with most of them right away. I was thinking this presentation was going to be easy and under control. I don' tknow when I'm going to get to work on it. Maybe I'll skip Montreal and work this weekend. NOT!! I'll just have to bust my ass for a few days. I walked to work this morning because when I woke up, I was sooo tired I could barely lift my arm to turn of my alarm clock. I don't know how I got out of bed. It was like I had been drugged, I just could not get my muscles to work well or work at all in some cases. So a nice brisk 30 min walk through a blizzard cleared most of that up. Plus the cup of coffee I had when I got here. It is snowing like mad out there, it's crazy. I don't know if we'll get out of the building to walk home tonight.

One of the guys I have to go talk to this morning is Phil, who I also found out today is an avid sailor. He has like a 28 foot boat that he takes out in the summer and needs a crew to help him. I'm so there. Apparently Kingston is the number one fresh water sailing spot in the world. I don't know how they measure that, but I'm sure it must be good. There are islands and steady winds out here. Dad, you're going to be so jealous. Later peoples.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Hi guys, my roommate Chris put together this collection of pictures, I'll do the same whenever I get a digital camera. . U might have to sign up for the service but it's free and no big deal. I'm going to us it to put up my pictures. Later peoples!

Oh no, the machines are....dancing?!? My friend Sharon found this really cool site here. ( ) I'm thinking that a couple of fast robots will soon be able to do a fight scene better than Jackie Chan. They could like lose limbs and stuff too. Cool eh? NEway, work is still work. I'm catching Brendan slowly in the Sporting news hockey pool so all is good. OH! and I'm going to Montreal with Samad and maybe a few others this weekend. We're planning a group trip for sometime soon, but Sharon has to work this weekend, poor girl, so just a few of us are going to Quebec for some boarding at Mont Saint Sauveur!! Can't wait, later peoples. And one more thing "Hi Mom, how is work? The boys giving you much trouble? Yes I am washing behind my ears!" Bye.

Monday, January 19, 2004

AUGHH!! I have a presentation due in a week. I've been puttering along on this greenhouse gas emissions report and he tells me today that my presentation will be given on Friday!! I'm doomed. I have to find something intelligent to say to a bunch of smart people I've never met. Suddenly this job isn't so good. Oh well, rise to the occation.

Monday already. I was saying that last week went incredible fast but the weekend was gone just the same. I did enjoy getting that computer though. It isn't so bad being at work again. For some reason I have these days where I'm really motivated to work hard, learn, write reports, all that stuff. It's never happened on a Monday before either. So this is good, a good way to start off. I do look forward to the end of the day. I'm making porkchops! Maybe some potatoes, vegetables, but PORKCHOPS! Ah well, back to my greenhouse gas report. I'll leave you with some engineer wisdom: If you can't break it, it's not worthing looking at.

Sunday, January 18, 2004

Hey guys. Well I have it, my new computer. And it's real slick. It's an e-machine which is a brand I've never heard of before but it works good. I also have a 17" flat panel monitor from NEC that is about all I can fit on my make-shift desk here. I also bout the game XIII which is really neat. It's a first person shooter but is done in comic book type graphics with a cool conspiracy story line to it. I'll let you know more as I get further along. My roommates rented Lord of the Rings: Return of the King video game for the PS2 this weekend. They passed the whole game yesterday. I've tried playing a bit but they always want to play the later levels and I suck, so I die. Cool game, I recommend it to any of you guys looking for a weekend rent. I wouldn't buy it though. You'd be tired of it after a week. And until you pass it once, you have to sit through all of the videos. So don't die. I think my first load of laundry is done, better go get the second one started. Have a great Sunday everyone.

Friday, January 16, 2004

Look out for #1. Don't step in #2 either.

Beauty is in the eye of the beer-holder!

I can't believe it's already Friday again. This week went by so quick, which is awesome. I just got back from an early lunch. I'll let it settle for an hour or so then hit the gym. I love the freedom here. The menu at the cafeteria is new everyday. Today was chicken balls with rice, spring roll, even the fortune cookie. Really good. My fortune:

Generosity and perfection are your everlasting goals

I used to think these things were right on most of the time but this one was blatently wrong. Perfection isn't one of my goals. I'm ALREADY perfect! ...and obviously the fortune cookies are not. Oh well.
I may be able to give you my first weekend update tomorrow night. I hope to have the computer up and running. Sunday at the latest. Tonight I get to watch the Kingston Frontenacs kick some ass in the OHL. Later peoples!

Thursday, January 15, 2004

Good morning people! An early good morning to those in the west. It's 8:57 am here in Kingston and I am done my work for the day. At least I'm done all I have for now. Yesterday I finally got some work, I finally had something to do. I emailed companies, phone representatives, wrote reports, turned down Britney Spears, again, and made some really cool system diagrams. Now I am done. I still have purpose and lots to do, but I'm waiting on people. I need replies to those emails and phone calls before I can move another step. I lucked out on the project though. My bosses say it's the best one that's come across their desk in a while. So work is a bit slow, working for a huge company usually is, but it's good. The stuff I'm going to start is interesting, I'm pumped. But I'm more excited for this weekend.

We're going out to do something big on Friday. I can't remember what it is but I remember booking the night off and being really excited about it. And Saturday is computer shopping day. I think it's going to be an HP or Gateway from Costco, but there are a lot of smokin' computers out there. I had to wait for my first pay day, which is today. The taxes over here suck though. I make $1300 but they took off $250 in tax. I think I might get some of that back because I'm actually a resident of Alberta. I don't know, but I definitely don't have it now. Anyway, this will mean I can give you updates from home now too. I can tell you what I ate for supper, what songs I played on the guitar, all that good stuff. But this is getting a bit long, I don't want to bore everybody so early. Take care folks, later.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Well here it is, the first entry. I want to thank you all for taking the time out of your busy day to read a bit about my life. I'm doing this for you after all. First to answer a question I've heard a lot lately....NO, I did not sleep with Britney Spears. She was all over me, I know, but I was like 'hey cutie, I know this is hard for you to understand, but you're just not my type.' Don't worry folks, I let her down easy. Second most popular questions: Where are you and what the hell are you doing? I'm in Kingston, Ontario for 8 months on a work term. Yes I have left the home land and apparently brought all the freakin' cold weather with me. It's melting in Calgary and Edmonton, but it's cold enough here to to make any guys' balls ring like a fire alarm. Oh well, I'll make up for it in the summer. I am working with a company called Alcan International. We make aluminum...seriously it comes right out our ass. My particular project is with energy recovery. I'm not exactly sure what that means but I think it has something to do with a lack of Energy from partying all night and trying to Recover from that mickey of rum you shotgunned at the party. All I know is that it will be cool, I get to drive a truck, and I have a lot of freedom. I'm writing to you people right now aren't I? Ah crap, the boss is coming...later peoples!