Tuesday, March 21, 2006

One more adult in the world...

I just want to start off saying Happy Birthday Carly. My cuz down in Calgary is 18 today. That is truely a milestone. I don't remember doing much for my 18th though. I'm sure mom whipped up a great cake (she always does) and I probably got a couple presents but never did what most 18 year olds do...pass out at some bar for (maybe) the first time. I did go out for a beer after my hockey practice that night with a couple friends (who were 17) but it was months later when I finally put my valuable ID to use. Rumor has it though that Carly is coming up to E-town this weekend for a celebration. Sweet.

Wakeboarding lessons

I think for me that my 16th was a much bigger day. I remember the first time I drove into town on my own, no parents. I was pretty excited knowing this freedom would change my life. Right now I don't even keep my car with me and only drive it once every two months. Hmm...maybe the beer drinking was more life changing. Ooh, and the voting, can't forget the voting.


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