Hockey on the border...
The hockey tournament this past weekend in Paradise Valley was a great success. We managed to win the B Pool on Sunday with a final record of 2-1. It makes me miss the home town rink back in Nanton. PV's rink is in a small quansit with a few tiny dressing rooms, a concession, and only three rows of seats. We almost missed the first game on Saturday. Slippery roads on the way out had me driving a bit slower, only got stuck in Nevin's driveway for a couple seconds. We lost the first game but won the shoot out after which I think is more important. Regardless of who wins the game, there's a shootout after and the winner gets a case of beer. We only had an hour and a half to finish the beer before the next game against a PV home team. We beat them AND took them down in the shoot out. I had a pretty nice goal, easy when there's no defence in the way. So we had another case of beer, plus the beer we brought and a very short time before we were heading out to Lloydminster to party...have to drink fast.
Cheers to free beer!
I don't remember much else from this night. Luke's brother, Adam, called to say he'd just got engaged out in Jasper. Cheers to that too. So many reasons to celebrate.
Anyway, Sunday was not as bad as I thought it would be. Nevin's parents whipped up a great breakfast which was much needed before playing our final game. We were down 6-1 after the first half of the game but managed to come back and win 8-7. Unfortunately we lost the shootout but really, I don't think any of us wanted anymore beer. Before heading back to Edmonton we had another great meal at Nevin's to celebrate his sister's birthday. Hockey, hangover, and a big meal sure make a guys sleepy. So 3 cups of coffee and I was good to make it back to the city.
That's my weekend adventure. St. Patty's Day on Friday...who knows what will happen next.
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