Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Checking it twice...

Thought I'd better "update" the Christmas list.

- snowboard goggles
- snowboard mitts
- DVD's are still good ;)
- karate lessons
- guitar lessons (instructional DVD?)
- iPod stereo for work
- RushHour-type game (yeah...definitely and engineer's toy)

This list is basically what I would buy today if I had no other use for my money (such as buying presents for other ;), or snowboards ). I'm pretty settled in Calgary and lead a boring life day-to-day so there's not many needs. I'm afraid I can't give much more help.

Back to the buying a snowboard comment, I just made a deal to buy a 2007 Burton Custom 162 an hour ago. I'll pick it up on Monday. Pretty psyched! Sorry this entry seems like such a rushed one. I don't have a lot of time to post today but felt bad for neglecting my fans.


At 12/07/2006 9:20 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

and oh what a snowboard it is. Can't wait to see that thing flying down the hill. At the same time though, it'll probably make me want to buy one sooner rather than later, which could be tough on the old pocketbook.



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