Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Can't get me down when I'm up...

Today I am sick. I was kind of sick yesterday and only a little bit the day before. Today, I shouldn't be at work but I am...for now. I'm supposed to be in course at the moment but our instructor is stuck on the Deerfoot (aka The Parking Lot) so we have a bit of time to catch up on a few things. So yes, I'm not feeling great today, etting a puck in the mouth yesterday didn't help either, but I'm still in high spirits. Why?

Her name is Noel.

I've been up in Edmonton the past three weekends in a row is I'd be lying if I said it wasn't to see her. I've know her for a long time (lifeguarded with her in Nanton back in the day) but hadn't seen her in a few years until the November long weekend. She's just started engineering at the U of A and had a few questions about what a real engineer does (like I know). I was coming up to Edmonton anyway so I suggested we get together for a beer to talk. It was a good night and she's been on my mind pretty much ever since. Sorry to say that this will be her one and only semester in engineering (guess I didn't do that good of a job convincing her). Actually, she's switching over to science with the plan to get into medicine as soon as she can. I think she's doing the right thing.

She is also how I ended up at my 5th straight Bar None two weekends ago. Great Aggie party put on at the Agricom. I always look forward to it because it's finally a chance to get out and two-step the whole night. I do enjoy other kinds of dance but not nearly as much as spinning a girl around the floor. Noel had never two-stepped but thankfully (for her) she's a quick learner. You wouldn't normaly think that over an evening where you're drinking you dancing would steadily improve (and not just in your own head). I saw quite a few old friends there too. Sadly, I lost the ass-grabbing competition. Guess there's always next year.

I will be taking a bit of a break from Edmonton this coming weekend. Instead there will be 9 of us heading out for the opening weekend at Kicking Horse in Golden, BC. I've never been to the mountain but with 215cm of fresh snow last week...I think I'm going to like it.

Okay, still time to grab another coffee, wash my hands for the 10th time this morning, and get back up to my 3-day-long "Regulatory Awareness" course. Wish me luck...I'm going to need it today.


At 11/28/2006 12:52 p.m., Blogger Mike said...

Only done a half day...really want to go home but I'd have to take the whole course again. Can't wait for the weekend.

At 11/28/2006 4:56 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh Young Love... it makes me all giddy and giggly inside (insert BIG smile here)
Enjoy it while it lasts...

If it's real love, that feeling goes on and on (speaking from experience :)
Seriously, I am truly happy for you Mike. You're a great guy and you deserve a nice girl (she still has to get my approval though...)
Also, you better not spread your germs to the love of my life or else I will be quite unhappy with you and I'll take all these nice words back and wish hate upon you.
That is all.

Ta Ta ~

At 11/28/2006 5:28 p.m., Blogger Mike said...

Too late, Nevin woke up with a sore throat this morning. If I'm going down I'm taking him with me.

At 11/29/2006 10:07 a.m., Blogger Mike said...

"I don't like cocaine...I just like the smell."

At 12/04/2006 7:34 a.m., Blogger Mike said...

Jeff and I dominated in hockey last night. We beat the Bruins 4-1. Jeff scored the first goal, end to end with a beautiful back-hand at the end. I ended up with an assist and goal. Solid defensive effort.

Funny note, three of the four defensemen last night were named Mike.

At 12/05/2006 2:11 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry for being so long I never read all the comments but nevin woke up with what in his throat this morning???? I mean I guess I just will never understand the relationship you guys share.


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