Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Life's A Dance You Learn As You Go...

At one time that was my absolute favorite song. John Michael Montgomery...great times. Lot's of truth to the song too. I'm still trying hard to figure my life out and I'm falling behind. But one thing I HAVE learned is that it doesn't matter. Too much happens to us everyday to think about all of it. If you add onto that dwelling on the past and looking forward to the future...you'd need a good 50 hours each day (warning: estimate on "time needed" not based on research or fact...pretty much just made that up). That's why your mind is a wonderful thing. While my body takes care of the present (eating, typing, etc.) my mind is often free to dream, reminice, or plan. "We having good times". By the way, Borat = "funny but not THAT funny".

So what's up in my life now? Well you pretty much know it all if you've been reading. One new note thought. I GET MY COMPUTER TODAY!

As for the rest of the family:

Dad: Probably spending most of his time dealing with the new management situation at the clinic. It provides him with both stress and laughter. To relax he's planning our place in Costa Rica. The pool is in, house is starting.

Mom: My grandpa Hornecker, mom's dad, passed away a couple weeks ago. Sunday was his "celebration of life". My grandma, mom, aunts, and uncle seemed to be in good spirits at the function. Lots of family and friends in attendance. My mom also got a pink iPod Nano for her birthday and a bathroom to redecorate to keep her busy.

Jeff: Flew to Grande Prairie yesterday. He's on his first oil and gas field trip. I hope he enjoys it up there. He's also starting to plan a trip to Florida for January to attend a wakeboarding school. Like he needs more help.

Terry: Only brother currently in university and living at grandma Tenove's place. Semester seems to be going well. He's not going to Thailand next summer but is "strongly encouraged" to apply next year. I hope he goes...Thailand rules.

Peter: ...oh Peter. Where to start. In grade 12 in Nanton, spoiled rotten as the only son at home, captain of the hockey team, probably has a hot girlfriend, ...and broke his collar bone on Sunday. I watched Pete play Saturday in Indus (where they killed that team) and then again on Sunday in Nanton. Pete is an amazing player, skates so smooth and can pass anywhere on the ice. He was also showing his aggressive side on Sunday running over any Airdie player he could get ahold of. One hit was a bit awkward in the third period and he went to the bench hunched over. Collar bone = snapped. Out until after Christmas. He make a quick trip to the High River hospital to set it or something and was back right away for Grandpa's celebration. Tough kid.

That's about it for the Tenove clan. Other than Pete's injury, life ain't looking too bad. Nice to see.


At 11/07/2006 3:57 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for noting that the ipod is pink. Less chance of any family member borrowing it. Think I will paint the bathroom pink too. Are you trying to leave poor Rocky speechless?

At 11/08/2006 7:56 a.m., Blogger Mike said...

The computer doesn't work...well it does but the burner doesn't. Going to call the store today. Talk about hopes being crushed.

At 11/08/2006 11:01 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA HA HA I love the comment real mom. That is what I was thinking while reading. But I really have nothing again. I don't often find myself in a situation with nothing to say but I have done it twice in a row. My only concern is that poor Mike should stop living his brothers lives. I mean it is nice to love your family but this kid is nothing but praise. Did they have seperate rooms as children or did they just all sleep in the family bed until they moved out. I mean you did an amazing job raising them, especially terre, the fact that he is still regarded as part of your family I definitely question at times. Jeff well to me he is the most normal. He definitely throws in some hate once in a while and Mike, well we all know Mike, I mean obviously from his blog he is in love with his brothers to no end. I don't think you need a wife Mikey you have your little brothers and from the sounds of it mostly your littlest brother. If you could be anyone else mike who would it be? let me guess Peter. Anyhow, I don't know him well enough to judge yet but as for the rest I have seen enough. HA HA just teasing I love you guys. Looking forwards to seeing you this weekend in E-town Mike. You better not stay home and play on your computer all weekend or we're going to fight!

At 11/08/2006 11:06 a.m., Blogger Mike said...

Like I said, the computer is broken...like my life needs more stress! JK. I knew I was due for some stress some year here.


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