Girls...when are they not on my mind?
I don't think of myself as obsessed about girls. I have work, hockey, and other interests but I guess like any guy my thoughts can easily turn to the fairer sex. So why am I writing about this now? I really don't know...guess it was just on my mind.
Update (for those who don't know): I'm single.
Good, got that out of the way. So am I looking for a girlfriend? I don't know. Definitely find the single life easy right now. I've always been a bit self centered but right now it is nice to be able to focus on me. There's so many new things in my life at the moment that I don't know how much energy and enthusiasm I'd have left for someone else with new things in their life. I'd be able to do it...I'd just be damn tired at the end of everyday. Girls, you may not realize it but just having a relationship can be draining on a guy even if you're not around. (AND I'm aware that it goes both ways...guys can be so dumb at times)
The other thing that weighs on my mind is my possible (almost certain) international placement coming up in a year or two. What if I find a great girl here? Will she move with me to where ever I end up? Is it fair to ask that of her if she has a good, established job here? I know it's retarded to even think of these things so early. I can hear Nevin and Jeff laughing now ("Mike, you idiot, you don't even have a girlfriend yet!"). I know...but I'm a future planner. Always have been. So to put my mind at ease, girls, what do you think? Would any of you pick up and move with "that guy you kinda like" for a chance to live in a different country for a while? I want comments on this.
Okay, discussion topic out of the way. In other news I'm taking a charter flight up to Hinton today at 4:00 pm. Have everything I need for a week away (even gym clothes). I'll be back Friday around 2:00 pm and might have to scramble a bit to make it up to Edmonton in a timely fashion. Pretty excited for the Phys Ed Halloween Party at The One on Whyte Ave in Edmonton. Terry knows how to organize/support a good party. Have a good week people. I'll try to stay in touch from the field.
I'd Go! But he'd have to be very nice to me and maybe buy me something pretty first ;) But that's just me.
See You Abroad Mike?!
In my PROFESSIONAL opinion, a guy who is needy enough that he needs a girl to travel around the world with him is barking up the wrong hole of the human anatomy. why don't you come on out and find yourself a nice roomy dude to follow you around and make you feel better when no girls will do the same for you. harsh, i don't think so, im just saying suck it up dude, your 23 and you still have atleast 5 years of making a crap load of money and learning... i mean preparing for your future hotty. don't worry about things dude or you'll miss your life.
How far ahead are you planning? Were you thinking you would find someone in Hinton? I had better get at the yard; I can hear wedding bells already! Funny thing; Dad came to Nanton, found me and never left. How about that option?
ps. Couldn't really find what I was looking for as far as a jacket for the costume, just a suit jacket.If you get a chance go looking.
How do you feel about Edmonton Nevin? I love that you're so open minded about this... I knew you'd come around. I'll let them know that I'm not going anywhere now and not to bother looking for my replacement. I love you!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, you know what, im gonna do what i do and if a girl needs more of me she can follow me wherever she damn wants, but i ain't promising nonono.
Mike, It is more like getting in a car wreck or winning the lottery. When it happens it will change your life and you adapt. Everything else seems irrelevant.
I have the solution Mike, I can come with you, cook, clean, nag, spend your money, nag some more, complain that you don't spend enough time with me etc. If you can handle that then maybe you'll be ready for a real girl, cause I'm a bit old for you I think!!! But I am ready whenever you say go.
Mike you are ridiculous. Is there no established 30 year olds around with a kid or two that can possibly tie you down. I mean really put a leash on already and get married. Let's not worry about the little things in life just get it done and right now. screw the future planning get with a girl who already has a family and jump right in. You do not need to go to another country to find a wife, although, you have made your way around the girls in this country and I am sure have made quite a name for yourself in the process. Like your dad says its like winning a lottery or getting in a car wreck if her kids love you and they are cute - lottery, if they hate you because you are their age - car wreck. Anyhow look forwards to meeting you so we can have too much fun and hopefully find you a wife. HA HA HA
Mike you are ridiculous. Is there no established 30 year olds around with a kid or two that can possibly tie you down. I mean really put a leash on already and get married. Let's not worry about the little things in life just get it done and right now. screw the future planning get with a girl who already has a family and jump right in. You do not need to go to another country to find a wife, although, you have made your way around the girls in this country and I am sure have made quite a name for yourself in the process. Like your dad says its like winning a lottery or getting in a car wreck if her kids love you and they are cute - lottery, if they hate you because you are their age - car wreck. Anyhow look forwards to meeting you so we can have too much fun and hopefully find you a wife. HA HA HA
oh yeah check out my blog if you are interested at peace
I would totally move out of the country. Foreign guys are hot and sexy and it's an awesome experience to live somewhere else. But it depends on the person, not everyone likes to move out and you should be willing to do the same for her..tough one mikey
Too many anonymous comments. I appreciate the advice though. Actually had a few new things to think about.
I think I may have found the solution to my on the new link I added at the bottom of the entry.
OMG your tequila add so funny
p.s. that above comment was from me, grr to anonymous postings
This is a classic. One topic to rack the ol noggin' on. Like your father said, when things are meant to be - and you want it to be - motions/actions become fluid and things just fall into place. Of course one can not live the life they want to live if they are passive - action is key to attaining anything we want. As far as travel with a lover...I have done it. Great experience overall...learned a lot to say the least. If a woman would just jump out of her seat to follow her dream man, well, I think it depends. It is all relative you know. =) This is one I can go on and on about. I see love as the meaning/purpose of life, with whatever circumstance. I have come to the idea that a person just has to live THEIR
Okay, I am new at this....accidentally pressed the wrong button at the wrong time. =)
...THEIR life they way THEY want and one day when least expected....Love will come a knockin'. At least I am hopefull. Come up to the end of my mid 20's I feel that time is still on my side. ;)
Lady from the North
Well Mike, this certainly is a hot topic of discussion. Pretty deep at this stage in the game...
I think that what it really comes down to is: What do you want? How do you see your big picture? I wouldnt worry to much about the details, cause the right things have a way of falling into place and taking on their own natural evolution. Everything in life is an experience, good, bad, brief or long term. The only thing we can do is enjoy what we manafest; we are our own creators...
The other lady of the North!
ps. I would totally follow love, lust or the unknown abroad, experience is life and you never know until you try!
Yeah, pretty hot topic. Every once in a while I feel my readers are getting a bit bored (ie. no comments) so I throw in an entry like this one where I know they can't resist giving me a piece of their mind (ie. lots of comments). And like I said before, I like the advice that came out of this.
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