Does Engineering Suck?
Of course least not right now. But what if it starts to suck? Let me explain what brought around this thought. Every morning I get up at 5:45am. I shower, dress, eat breakfast, watch Sports Center, leave the house at 6:35am and arrive in my office around 6:55am. Really it's not that bad. I do enjoy the sleep but deep down I'm a morning person. I prefer sunrises to sunsets. I try to plan photo opportunities to happen in the morning when the light is better....but I digress. I'm also staying later. Most days I can get out by 4:30pm or 5:00pm but my coworkers here often stay until 6:00pm. As I take more control of my rigs...I'M going to be doing that.
So...what happens on the day that I wake up and I just don't want to do this anymore? What happens when I'd rather watch the sun come up, drinking coffee on the porch with my wife? What if I want to drop my kids off at school? What if I want to be home in time to make a meal? For a second I actually had the thought "screw this, I'm out" but then I took some time to think about it and also talked to Jeff, a person of incredible insight who I really should talk to more about these things.
As long as I'm in drilling that's pretty much going to be my routine. It's just what the job requires. If I don't want to always get up at 5:45am I don't have to stop being an engineer...just a drilling engineer. Don't think that I hate the job. This company rules and I love what I do here everyday. It's just that later in life there's going to be other things I love more. And...being me...I always start thinking of these things years before I should be.
Possible career changes for when Mike snaps:
- other oil and gas departments (development, reservoir)
- stay at home dad (with own company run from the house)
- video editing (it's somthing I love and can spend hours doing)
- and of course...the NHL
I also don't want to live IN the city my whole life. Going to move to a somewhat more rural setting eventually, even if it's just outside the city limits and I still drive downtown. But that's another story.
Too funny Mike! I was just thinking today how you Nanton guys aren't really city guys and wondered what direction things would go in the future. I hate to break it to you but...don't hold your breath for the NHL! Real Mom and I are off to Ashley tomorrow so I'm sure we'll discuss your predicament to great lengths, I'll let you know what we decide!!!
New perspective: I'm on a bus in Canmore heading to the Columbia Ice Fields for a company trip. Maybe this engineering thing isn't so bad. Of course I did have to get up at 5:30am after playing hockey last night until 12:45am (we won 5-0, Jeff had a goal, I had 3 goals). Two cups of coffee and I'm ready to party...or at least chat nicely with the people around me.
Good job on the teeny tiny typing! Have fun at the ice fields. Take lots of pictures. Ask Peter how his party went. Not good. Got shut down at midnight cause there were more Claresholm kids than locals here. Made me happy....not!
Hey Mike, long time I didn't visit your site. I'm off to China in a few days and I will certainly use those tips you left on your Thailand site. I'm also supposed to go to bangkok for the last week of my trip, but nothing is sure yet because of the political probles they're having, but the travel agent said it shouldn't be a problem. We'll see!
Geez it sounds likes you're hesitant about your job. But I'm far from being worried. There's so many engineering jobs out there, in and out of the city, with more flexible hours than that.
Take care!
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