Friday, September 08, 2006

Look out world, I have a RIG!!!

I guess this means I'm a real drilling engineer now...or at least an engineer in training. Today I sat down with the manager of another area and he told me they needed help. I said sure, should have some spare time. That was it. I'm going to be running a Precision drilling rig up in NorthEast BC (west of Grande Prairie). That's just to start too. In a month they may be giving me another rig to manage. Looks like no more free nights. I almost feel like camping out in my office just to get it all done.

Not today though! I'm leaving right away to go up to Edmonton. Watching the Eskimos rematch game against the Stampeders tonight and then who knows what tomorrow. Probably Matt's house-warming kegger. I'm psyched!


At 9/11/2006 10:32 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does your north east BC area have a name? We, unfortunatly, don't do work in BC (or very little) so there won't likely be any dealings with us if you continue to get rigs in that area. That's too bad... this could have been the start of something beautiful.
Thanks again for the good times at Cook this weekend. Fun was had by all! See You Friday!

At 9/11/2006 2:05 p.m., Blogger Mike said...

The area is called Elmworth, east of the Grande Prairie stuff. I love Cook County, especially with no smoking in Emonton. I can't wait for the day when Calgary catches up.

At 9/11/2006 5:26 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike you just have to get a new picture for here. You look so young...kidish like! Oh ya you are young, anyway time for a new one....maybe at the lake at Thanksgiving we'll get a better one. Thanks again for the gift from Tailand


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