Thursday, March 23, 2006

Painful pecs...

I'm sure all of you knew that "the checklist" I made a few weeks ago was just too ambitous. I'm actually doing okay with most of it but it's the workouts that I can't alwasy check off. I think I am doing that amount of work each week but it's always in other forms. Just got back from the gym now actually. Today and Tuesday were my trial runs of my new workout routine adapted from one in a Men's Health magazine (seriously good mag). The best thing about this workout is that I have all of the equipment here at my apartment minus the cardio machine. Doing it at the university gives me a good 30 minute weight lifting workout followed by 20-30 mins on the bike (I'm working my way up on the cardio time). The best part about this is that I do the same thing every time. No more thinking about what day it is (chest? back? legs?) and really I'm just buffing up a few muscles before I go jump on the bikes up stairs and sweat my ass off. I just needed to take the thining out of enough of that the rest of the day.

A piece of advice to all of you. If you're on the fence about going to see the new movie "V for Vendetta", don't go. We went last night and the flick was just plain boring. There are some neat scenes, interesting ideas, hot views of Natalie Portman, but mostly you're looking at a guy wearing a mask....talking. Of course you can't see his mouth moving but his head just tilts side to side as he talks and talks. He's in love with his own voice. There's a few other things I had a problem with but that's the main one. Use your money for something else. Mike out.


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