Thursday, August 25, 2005

It was paradise...

I can't believe the luck we had last weekend down in Montana. It's the best weather I think I've ever seen down there. 30-35 degrees, no wind or clouds. So we didn't get out on the sailboat too much but we did put in about 6 hours of wakeboarding everyday.

Dan learns to board behind a real boat.

This is Dan's second time on a wakeboard. The first time was at Wabamun two years ago behind our small 9.9 horse power boat. I can't believe he got up then, probably the only one that could.

Air Dave. That's-why-he-likes-sailing!

Dave would sure give'er. Smoked himself good a couple times in the process. You can see just how calm and perfect the water was down there. I was too spoiled. If it's anything less than this next time I'm going to be dissappointed.

Time for some sequence shots.

Yeah...this one hurt.

It ended up being more of a one-and-a-half flip. I've never seen my flips on camera before though. We have video too which is much better. I know a couple little things that I'll have to do next time to increase my chances of landing. Whether I can actually do them...we'll see September long.

I finally (almost) landed a 360.

Usually I'm not even close but this time I landed right, handle in the hand. I just didn't prepare for the snap of the rope. When you wrap it around you there's a lot of slack after the time. E for effort!

Luke's getting in to the tricks too. He actually improving very quickly. I remember being at that stage too and it wasn't that long ago.

Nevin is super excited to be here.

I wish we had some pictures of him slalom skiing with no hands. He actually held the handle with his foot. Very cool.

Looks good without the landing.

The nice thing about still pictures is they DON'T show the whole action. In this case the take off looked great, the flip is cool, the landing (crash and burn) was awkward and apparently very funny. So I just chose to censor it a bit.

Anyway, can't say much more now. Too busy at work. We had such a great weekend down there that we decided we have to go back for September long weekend. I have to some how get my stuff moved up to Edmonton before then but I'm positive it's going to be great.

We have lots of video of the weekend too...just don't have the capacity to show you here. Have to ask me at home.


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