Thursday, June 30, 2005

Watch Out! I'm psycho...

My officemate, Pam, made the comment today that I'm getting a lot weirder. Now, this came as a surprise to me. Not that I'm weird, that much pretty much anyone can see. What surprised me was that she felt my weirdness had changed. I don't feel much different this week than I did 3 weeks ago but she insists I'm different. So...why...

Explanation #1
I'm hyper about going to Montana and it's starting to show. In half an hour I'm outta here to go home and pack, load the car, drop of Nevin's dry cleaning, pick up the volleyball net, and pick up my friends downtown. I'm actually bouncing in my chair right now but that could be more due to #2.

Explanation #2
Coffee! I don't drink a lot of coffee but I've had one pretty much every day this week. Usually straight black (except for today's Mocha). It could be affecting my system.

Explanation #3
I've changed my sleep patterns this week. My plan was to get to bed early every night, show up at work at 6:45-7:00 and get some real work done on these presentations. Instead I've been finding thigs to do until 12:30 and not getting to work until 7:45-8:00. That and I've been kicking ass on the presentations so...what's the rush?

Explanation #4
The problem isn't's Pam. Maybe she's just suddenly noticed my quirks. Although...Andrew and I have been joking a lot this week. Maybe it's finally getting out of hand.

Anyway, I have to go now. My boss and I are going to take a look at coring tools before I go. Peace y'all. Have a great long weekend!


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