If your May Long wasn't fun, you were in the wrong place...
My May Long was freakin' awesome, much like last year. Although Nanton doesn't quite compare to Montreal or Quebec City for excitement, my house outside of Nanton just might. There were quite a few first timers there this time and all were very impressed with the place. Nice work mom and dad. The more parties I have there the more I realize that it's really set up to do just that. But before I get into it I must back up a bit.
Friday: GREEN DAY CONCERT. We missed My Chemical Romance (sorry Brendan and Dan) but GD made up for it. They are great performers, the lighting is super cool and the crowd was just nuts. I think my favorite songs was one of the slower ones (terrible with song names) but they had almost all of the lights in the Saddledome turned off. People all over were waving their lighters and cell phone screens so there were yellow and blue stars everywhere. I wasn't even looking at the band, just staring around at this huge black space with hundreds of lights. I'm not upset that I didn't have a camera there because it just wouldn't have caught the moment at all.
Saturday: Star Wars Episode III. Great movie, awesome movie, incredible movie. It ties II and IV together and it's a really good flick on its own. If you haven't seen it yet, you must. It's crutial for the series. What do you call at six movie series anyway? Double trilogy? Hexilogy? But now to the party.
It was sunny pretty much all weekend, kind of windy sometimes but there was still a lot of frisbee and golf in the back yard, gopher shooting in the field, and barbecuing on the patio. The movie selection was Team America World Police. I laughed pretty hard sometimes. Very vulgar and politically incorrect but does hit a few good points. I do have a favorite quote but I can't repeat it here. I heard another one from the Dave Chapelle show though. "Question: How does Bush know Iraq has weapons of mass destruction? Answer: He has the receipts!" Ah, the wit. Anyway, a few highlights from the party. Terry showed up later in the evening, polished off a whole Big Bear in the hot tub in under an hour and then...well...he's an idiot. He was showing off by going head first from the pool into the hot tub but in his state he couldn't quite coordinate that action. He hit his head on the seat and opened up a big cut. Thankfully I had a couple of nurses on site (for just that reason) and they told him to go get stitches. He went up to High River around 9:00, passed out at the hospital, got his 4 stitches while he was unconscious, and was diven home in the morning by one of the nurses there from Nanton. Nice work bro, way to introduce yourself.
There were about 25 people at the place that night, a good number. Luke was there of course and was cause for our next bit of excitement. He'd been MIA for about 45 minutes when Scott when looking for him. He found him in the upstairs bathroom passed out on the toilet, chest on his legs, head between his knees, pants around his ankles. Being the great friend that he is Scott proceeded to invite everyone at the party into the bathroom...Luke is still asleep. I see this and go running for my camera to join the other 4 or 5 photographers. Ben and Scott posed with Luke...Luke is still asleep. Then the girls go to pose with Luke...Luke wakes up. He wasn't mad though, just very confused and very very wobbly. He managed to get his pants up, take two sides steps, and tumble backwards into the bathtub. Yeah, I have good pictures and a sweet video but I told Luke I wouldn't post them here...yet. Maybe some day but now he's embarassed enough, I'll give him a break.
I did absolutely nothing the rest of the weekend. No golf, no wakeboarding...just sitting around...and it was glorious.

Here's a few pics from Vic's wedding the weekend before. The first one is of him and his groomsmen, the second is the Nanton delegation. It's been a while since I've seen most of those guys so it was good to catch up. Lesson for next wedding, don't give me the camera!
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