Friday, May 27, 2005

The Answer: Nothing...

The Question: What is in Mike's head right now? I'm so burnt out from today. Nothing like a couple of afternoon rush jobs to just really take it out of you.

Do you ever just want to be held? To know that someone else out there cares for you? (cough) Yeah, me neither.

But you know, it couldn't hurt sometimes. I have many friends around me at pretty much all times of the day. I work with great people, I live with great people, and yet I can still find time to think "why the hell do I feel alone". I'm not, I know I'm not but that feeling still comes. No Nevin, I don't want to cuddle but an offer would be nice. JK So am I alone in this feeling of being alone? Probably not. I know that my bro Jeff feels like that sometimes too. He's convince that he's the only one and that it's all his fault. Jeff, you're cool....capiche?!

So what do I want? A super awesome best friend? No. Girlfriend? No. To date Elisha Cuthbert? Who doesn't? I think right now I'd be best off with a mission. I'd like to quit this job and this life for just a while and do something completely new. Maybe this isn't a feeling of being alone but more a terrible form of deja vu. Maybe life here for a second got just a little bit too routine. Wouldn't it be cool to be James Bond? Jason Bourne? Or even Tom Cruise?

I just have this itch right now. I have this incredible amount of built up energy but I don't know what to use it on. Instead I feel tired and lazy, like nothing at the moment is worth wasting that spark on. I'm not giving up, I'm don't sit at home depressed. Ask my roommates or coworkers, I haven't been acting odd the last couple of weeks. I just suddenly feel like I should be doing something new and really great but it's just not here yet.

Talisman might be that thing I'm looking for. It's not completely new but I'd be taking a new approach. I want to come back but I haven't exactly proven myself. I'm not slacking (too much) even though I may say I do. I'm well ahead of anything they've asked of me and doing other small jobs all the time. Bursts of efficiency is my forte. But maybe I should turn on that bust full time. I could be impressive here, do more than is expected. But is it worth it? I don't see how it can't be. I might need to get more sleep at night to make it happen but I could do it.

Okay, I'm going to start this new form of work......first thing Monday morning. Hey it's Friday, you don't mess with that.


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