Tuesday, April 26, 2005

You'll never take me alive, copper...

So, as most of you know by now I received speeding ticket on Sunday...my first...and it sucks. I was caught doing 57 kph in a playground zone. I maintain that the reason I was still up around 50 was because I thought it was a school zone. It's right in front of a school, it's Sunday, I think I can go the normal speed. 5 seconds later a cop waves me over. Anyway, it's $161 and probably 3 demerit points. I don't care about the cost as much, although it really sucks, but the points are going to mess with my insurance. I'm male, under 15, 3 points in one ticket...I'm screwed. Well maybe not.

I found a great article today after Peter suggested I look into fighting it. I know I'm guilty, I was definitely a bit over 50, but I have my reasons, it's my first offence, and I honestly wasn't trying to break the law...too much. There's a place in Calgary (and in Edmonton) called First Appearance Centre and they try to divert some of the court traffic by settling out of court. So I'm going tomorrow to try to get the fine reduced, but more importantly, get those points erased. I do 30-35 kph through that place every weekday, I obey. Anyway, I'll let you read the article for now and I'll update you tomorrow on how the fight goes. I'm lining up at 7:30 just to make sure I don't spend 4 hours in line later and I get a cheerful judge.

On other news, going for a long run before hockey is not a recommended warm up. I felt great going into the game but my endurance quickly gave out. I lasted about half an hour. I'm still pretty tired today. Tonight is our first softball game but I'm not really looking forward to it. The weather is turning cold and crappy but we have to play anyway. The sports club's rule is that we play unless God makes it explicitly clear that he does not want us outside. That does happen a few times in the summer but I think tonight will just be a regular dose of unpleasantness. Hmmm, I'm hungry...what did I bring for lunch?


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