Wednesday, October 20, 2004

3-0-3, I hate thee!

That has been my MSN screen name for the past 2 days. It refers to the formal lab report we have to write for our Mec 303 class. While I know it is useful (and that we're getting off easier than other years) I still feel it is GAY. Why would I want to spend a perfectly frozen October day inside writing a report. Okay, so that's not such a good arguement. How about the fact that this same report has been done hundreds of times over and really has no value. I wrote longer reports at Alcan (but had more than 2 days) and enjoyed the fact that they would be read, examined, and put to use. I was USEFULL. Now I'm GAY. What the hell happend? Why not have the prof give us the raw data from one of his experiments and then have us write the report for him. He can change whatever he wants after but I think he would enjoy having the bulk of it done.

Just had my 4th phone conference of the night with Brendan. It hard for me to believe but he sounds like he's in worse shape with this report than me. The poor guy, I'm betting he won't sleep tonight. I'll try to send him some positive energy....(sending)...there. Hopefully he's feeling better about it. I may as well send some energy to the rest of the guys too. We're all pretty much in the same boat. Nevin was trying to feed me some line earlier about having finished at 8:00. I believed him for a second, liar. So yeah, tonight sucks, but tomorrow will be oh so beautiful. Please some tomorrow, please, please come..du du duh! That's the tune that's going on in my head right now.

Oh yeah, Red Sox won. Good for them. I've usually been a Yankee fan but it was nice to see the underdogs (if you can call them that) win. I don't know if I want them to "reverse the curse" though. It's one of the coolest things in baseball. If that goes, what will Yankee and Red Sox fans have to get worked up about? I think the fact that they can never seem to win brings more people to the Boston stadium than anything else. They all really want to be there when they finally do win... but what about after? Meh, not up to me really. Okay, time for a kick ass discussions section...then conclusion...then summary...then start from the beginning and make sure it's all right. Yeah, can't wait for the work term. Peace!


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