Call me a Talis-man
Well I was finally able to choose one of the job offers I got on Friday. Looks like I'm moving back to Calgary. I'll be working for Talisman Energy which has their global head office in Banker's Hall (west tower) downtown. Lucas will also be working their with me. After talking with my uncle Gerry and my parents it just seemed like the best choice. There's a good wage, great company structure, possibility of future employment...and even Spanish lessons. I may finally become bilingual...or at least well on my way. Nevin is working for Husky and Mike Kolla is with Bonavista. The rest don't know at the moment but we think Matt is working for Courtney Berg in Linden, Alberta, just north of Calgary (50 mins). We'll know soon. I got a bit of a scare today when I got a "Congradulations- you're working for CoSyn in Edmonton" email from the coop coordinator. I know that must just be a mixup since I didn't even get ranked with CoSyn but I emailed her back right away just to make sure I'm still in Calgary.
I'm really looking forward to this now. Nevin, Lucas and I are for sure living together. We don't know where yet but in a house near downtown somewhere. We'll see if Kolla moves in too. He's a pretty high energy guy and I don't know if he could stand living with us. Anyway, I'm super excited. We'll be playing hockey 2-3 times a week, snowboarding every weekend in the winter, wakeboarding in the summer, and playing Tiger Woods 2005 on Lucas's X-box. Oh yeah, it's going to be awesome.
Amber is pretty sad that I'm not going to Vancouver anymore. I really hate to see her feeling like that. There's not much I can do now. I just really wanted to stay closer to home this time around. I'm sorry baby. When I first got back to school I was excited about possibly working in Vancouver but that changed as I was home longer. I'll see Van in a couple weeks here and who knows Amber, maybe you'll find yourself in Calgary or Banff next summer. I think it's going to all work out. I hope you're having a great time in Toronto, I'm thinking of you.
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