Ghetto theme party in the ghetto...can we do that?
Our regular YSPH parties are by no means boring. All have had their own special "flavour" to spice things up or make people take refuge in the fresh air on our porch. This week, though, we're having a theme party. It's Ghetto in the Ghetto! I don't know how that works. Aren't all of our parties technically ghetto parties? Anyway, tomorrow we're going really Ghetto. Tonight will be spent searching for great costumes before our last bit of culture for the week, Shakespeare in the Park. I think I'm going to try the big hair and the handle bar moustache. Maybe find some cheap army fatigues at the Army/Navy store. Eric is dreaming of a huge, blonde mullet. Galvin may get a real mullet if he passes out this time...someone bring the clippers. Eric's also been putting together a good collection of ghetto music: Lynyrd Skynyrd, Dr. Hook, stuff like that. I'm trying my hardest to find some Mullet Talk and Brocket 99 on Kazaa. Yeah, it's going to be quite the event. My batteries are charged and my camera will be present at the party as well, wearing a beer stained wife-beater and some dirty boxers.
I think Eric and I will also reunite with the guitars as per Ahmbere's last suggestion. I'm sure I can play some terrible, plinky music to really set the mood. Can't wait to see you all there!
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