Tuesday, July 13, 2004

I think that I really like volleyball. I mean. I've played for half of my life, I've usually been pretty decent, my body kinda grew into it too. For a long time though I played not really because I liked it, but more because I could and thought I should. Last night, playing at the YMCA, I realized that I was really having a blast. I like the rules and the plays, I just love the sport. I hope I can find some kind of league to keep playing in when I get back to Edmonton, I don't even care if it's off campus. That's thought number one.

I've also been thinking about engineering. Here is something that I'm still doing because I can and feel I should. I know that I have to do something for a living that I love. There's no way I could keep working here at Alcan in this "student" job for my whole life. I don't mind it, but I sure don't love it. I'm starting to wonder if my job will be as a mechanical engineer. I'm going to finish my degree for sure, too much time and money invested so far to stop now. But what do I love to do? I love to be active, I play as many sports as I can without going crazy. I love having a job that changes, even if it's only every few years. I love Canada and my family, so I know I'll be sticking close to Alberta. I love entertainment, like movies and performances. For a while I was trying to find out if Cirque du Soleil ever hired student engineers. How cool would that be, to travel, watch performances. I don't think I need to do something safe. I don't mind having a job with a small company that might go under, I would live in another part of the world for a few years if I had to. That's why I'm going to learn spanish. Hmm, the possibilities. What do you want to be? Brendan? Nevin? Mom? Jeff? Dad? I know some of you are (cough)old(cough) but if you could still switch, what would you be doing?


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