Monday, July 12, 2004

Shhhhh! Listen carefully, can you hear that? (Sizzle sizzle) Oh, nevermind, that's just my back. I feel like I slept on a restaurant grill last night. Most of the Alcan students are sporting some bright red skin today and are either guzzling coffee like me or just giving up and crawling under the desks in their cubicles to sleep. How did this happen,you ask? Well yesterday we were caught in the middle of an intergalactic war with an alien race that used these super-hot ray guns to decimate Kingston. We escaped but...oh, must have been a dream. Then what about these burns?? OH! I remember now. Yesterday we went to Sand Banks provincial park. It's a little over an hour away if you're driving the whole time but we were stopped for about two hours on the way there waiting for the ferry. That actually turned out to be a lot of fun. We left a little space between our cars and just passed the volleyball around. A couple stray bumps would hit our cars or other nearby but nothing serious until we landed the ball and hedge and but a large thorn in it. I think we finally got to the park around 2:30.

We went to the sand dunes section of the park, very cool. The dunes are really big, like 40 feet, and are really steep. Of course this led us to the idea of rolling down which we did often during the day. The water was a little dirty, much like Little Bow, but a really great temperature. We passed our slowly deflating volleyball around for a while, played jackpot with the frisbee (Chris took it on the head twice and chest once), dug holes in the sand under water, swam out to the marker buoys, made a ball obstacle course on the side of our dune, made mermaids and a Jen-asaurus, ate chips and hot dogs, and just lied on the sand in the sun. I really miss these beach trips. I wish we had a beach like this in Montana instead of just rock. There are already plans to go again next weekend, and make it a two day camping trip. I really wanted to go to Montreal again before I leave, but I think that maybe a few more of these trips would be better. Guess we'll see.

There was also a couple of great evenings here in Kingston this weekend. Friday night at our place we played some drinking games until too many people showed up to keep them going, then we sat around outside for a while "babysitting" Galvin. (Thanks for getting most of it in the garbage bag dude!) I also finally watched Eurotrip, very funny movie. Saturday night the girls went out to AJ's but Galvin, Chris and I just kicked back at home...much too tired to go out again. Glad I saved my energy for Sunday.

So Jeff? Are you coming out August Long weekend? To everyone else over here, are you coming to Wakestock the weekend after the August Long weekend? We're going to buy tickets really soon, let me know!


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