Thursday, April 12, 2007

In self-preparation mode...

I just realized something today. Actually, I've noticed it before but now it's being filed in the "problems that Mike now knows he has but can't change" file in my brain. I don't prepare myself as well as others. Example, I'll be the guy to make sure that EVERYONE has their passport when going to Montana but I'll forget mine. Or going to Nanton without a swim suit.

Why I bring this up? I've been making check lists for my friends going down to Costa Rica with me but I haven't even thought about making sure I'm prepared too. So this weekend I might start looking at what I need to go, what I already have, and what I need to get.

Also thought I should post some pictures from Easter weekend in Nanton. I spent some time getting aquainted with my new video camera. By far the most popular thing is filming stuff in slow motion. It even motivated Peter and Richard to cannonball into a freezing cold pool just to see what it looks like. From the picture you can just tell that my brother must be super intelligent.

Sorry Pete. The video camera also captured a Tenove first...Ditchboarding. What you do is dress up in a funny-looking snow suit (sorry Jim), attach a wakeboard rope to the hitch of your truck, strap on a snowboard in a ditch filled with snow, and hope your younger brother can stay on the road. Jeff made a few successful trips up and down the ditch, Terry did stay on the road for the most part, Pete brought the girls, and I was there to record it all. Highlights, Jeff building a jump and Terry almost running him over with the truck.

Yup, fun and safe...that's how we roll. Definite activity for next year. Tenove Bro 1 out.


At 4/13/2007 10:31 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your new found activity is right up there with the most hillbilly activity I've ever heard of ~ You boys make me proud!!!

At 4/13/2007 12:22 p.m., Blogger Mike said...

You somehow reminded me that I need to make a new "toy" for dragging people behind the boat this year. Anyone have a good piece of wood dowel or metal pipe that resembles the bicep-curl-bar on a universal exercise machine? I'll explain more later.


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