Monday, October 17, 2005

Off of maternity leave...

Okay, so maybe that's not the reason I've been blog-absent for so long. It's more a combination midterms, assignments, and a tempermental internet connection at home. I'm writing from school now. I also need to get my pictures back on track. I'm a fan of the free hosting sites but I've filled up the only good one I could find. The others wreck my pictures. Do you think Photobucket would actually notice if I had two accounts? I'm not worried about what they'd do to me, the only thing the really can do is shut down my account with them...but that would suck. All those pictures posted online...all those witty captions.

Anyway, I'll probably just risk it. In other news I was in Montana last weekend for Thanksgiving. Excellent weather down there, got a lot of work done, and had an amazing Sunday dinner. That place went through a lot of changes this year. My family has been working hard to bring that place a long but I'd also like to quickly thank my friends for their contribution. I think that's the quickest a volleyball court has every been put together (minus the month in between we weren't there).

School is going good now. I have a short pause between exams right now but next week it gets busy again. Our design group has some good ideas for lifting soil off the ground. The Goldden Bears won their home opener on Friday against UBC! Ha, take that Chris. I don't know how the Saturday game went but I assume the same. Carved up a pumpkin this weekend too. Mostly normal except for the three eyes. It's the new age of genetics, folks.

I'm also playing guitar again as of this weekend. I only took a break for a week or so but it seemed like a long time. Now I just leave it out in the front room against the wall...I play it much more that way. I've even started taking requests for songs to learn. My abilities are pretty limited still but I can scrap together enough that you can usually recognize it. Nevin has also become my writing partner for making new songs. He never knows what chord I actually need but he can sure tell me when it's wrong. Now if he can just start coming up with some words. Class time, later.


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