Friday, February 18, 2005

The King of New Orleans...

I'm sure most of you have heard this song before by Better Than Ezra. It doesn't mean anything special to me, it's just a nice song that I've been listening to this afternoon. Today has been a good day, blissfully boring. I've been busy all day, but it hasn't been stressful. I just finished one of the larger projects I've been working on. I have more to do this afternoon but not before a small break.

Two highlights of the day. 1: got a hair's short. 2: ate a great sandwich at a place called Submission. There was an injury at lunch though. I guess I just wasn't paying attention and bit my tongue...HARD! It was that sickening crunch like the sound or cartilage. Bled onto a few napkins. The sub was still okay after that, but tasted a bit like iron and the salsa stung like hell. The bottle of Coke wasn't any better. Yeah, I learned my lesson...don't bite your tongue before consuming tomato products, any other time is okay.

Have you been to Ohio? I haven't yet I don't think, but I will someday. Why? This is why:

Did that make you sick? Check this out then...

Presenting the Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point, Ohio. 420 ft tall (42 storys), 120 mph top speed. It gets two 120 mph twice, once on the free fall down, and at the start when it accelerates you from 0-120 in 4 seconds. I don't care if I pee myself, I'm going.

I get to catch another one of Pete's hockey games tonight. I like this being close to home thing. Oh, skipping Panorama this weekend do to poor conditions. We might catch Sunshine on Monday, it's going to be crowded though. I'd almost rather work Monday and take Tuesday off. Hmmm, maybe. My boss is pretty cool with stuff like that. I hope she doesn't mind me starting hockey on Fridays. A couple of the guys on my floor play hockey over the noon hour on Fridays. They leave the office at 11:15, play 12:00 to 1:00, and then go to Ceili's Irish Pub beside the rink for food and beer after, all payed for by some drill bit or service company of course. Friday's are paid for by Stabeco. Don't know who they are but I don't care. If one of the guys has to get back to the office that afternoon they hussle and might make it back by 2:00. Half the time they just don't come back. I'm thinking I'd be a real idiot if I don't go into drilling after I graduate. Finally a job that seems cool, plus you just don't find work with so many "extras". Matt, I'll do my best to get you hired but it's a hard industry for...well...feminine men. To the rest of you, send all the hate emails you want...I can't check them when I'm on the golf course! Have a great long weekend with the families! (I might call you at work to say hi on Monday, Janet)


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