Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Vancouver bound!

Okay, before I get anyone's hopes way up, let me clarify. Last time I was feeling bad because I really want to go work in Vancouver or Victoria this next term but all I'm getting is job opportunities in Edmonton, Calgary, and ...Alcan. Oh, by the way, I got another interview for the Wednesday after Thanksgiving with a company called Cosyn. They're party of Colt Engineering (Ron will like that) and do work for oil and gas companies, mainly Syncrude. Anyway, Vancouver bound? Even though I have had any "offers" yet I'm sure trying my darndest. Amber gave me a few good websites with job opportunities on them in the area so I spent the afternoon applying to as many of them as I could. I also applied to some of the ones I tried for last year like Kona and Norco. Working for a mountain bike company on the edge of Vancouver would rule! So yeah, nothing yet but I'm feeling a lot better knowing my resume is out there. I write a new cover letter for each company, really trying to suck up to them. Keen Engineering (really cool design engineering group) said they had no jobs for me in Victoria but Vancouver, Edmonton, and Calgary are still possibilities.

Ugh, the pressure. Once I get to the weekend I'll be fine. Get this Phase I of my project out of the way, get out to the'll all be good. Later people!


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