Monday, September 13, 2004

Monday is Marvelous...

I'm enjoying my nice 3 hour break over at Nevin and Brendan's. I'm really like my schedule, other than the 8:00 am start every morning. But if Terry can do it, then I'd better be able to. I bought my plane ticket to Vancouver last night. I'll be there at 6:15 pm November 10 and I'll be there until late Monday night. ready. The Nan'n hick is heading west...further west. I hope to spend most of the time there with Amber but I'll give her enough of a break from me to make my rounds with the other people I know. Chris...wanna pick me up from the airport in your Mazda? So that's got me really excited, and it's closer to the end of the school term so it will keep me happy well past midterms.

I'm also excited about going down to Montana. Brendan is coming with me and I'm trying to convince a few others. The water might be a little cold but I still need some wakeboarding hours. I also need to see Jeff land a few of these tricks. Hmm, break is almost up. I lost big time in poker but thankfully there was no money involved. Phew! Later people, lab time.


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