Wednesday, August 11, 2004

My dose hasd da sniffews

Yeah I'm still sick. I feel a bit better know that I'm also getting those around me sick. I guess it had to happen eventually. I left work at 11:30 today though, never went back. I just stayed long enough to finish my presentation and return some of the stuff I've had in my office the whole time. Anyway I have a headache, couldn't taste the awesome food I made for supper, and can barely breathe through all this mucus...but Spike TV's 52 hottest women is on at 9:00. Now, normally I'd be acting like a good boy and spending the evening with Amber at Alcan, consoling her and keep her company as she works these incredible hours to get all of her stuff done...but I'm really sick...and it would just be unfair to her to make her sick I think I'll just stay here and watch Spike with the boys. Sorry Amber.

I'm pretty much all packed up now. Yeah, it's all going to fit in the car. It's funny though, my room doesn't really look that much different with all of my stuff taken out of it. Guess I never really had that much stuff. Coolness. Later peoples!


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