Tuesday, March 22, 2005

A healthy mix...

That's what I would call my school schedule for the upcoming semesters. It's my fourth (and last) year and I get to choose some pretty neat electives. I have a couple that may not be much fun but I'm sure will be very useful like Business Law and Marketing. I'm also taking some awesome classes like Bio Medical engineering and Drilling & Completions. My complementary is going to be a real fluff class, Ancient Science, Technology, and Medicine, focusing on Greece and Rome. There really wasn't much else to choose from for complementaries, at least ones that would still fit in my schedule. My winter isn't as nice, mostly made up of mandatory classes, but oh well, I'll be more focused on getting done by then anyway.

I'm living in the present though. Had a good weekend. Decided last minute to go see a Roughneck's lacrosse game and ended up getting really good seats, snowboarding in Sunshine was okay on Saturday, the Whiskey was a lot of fun Saturday night. Sunday I just took it easy, destroyed Dan in a few bouts of squash and finished with a nice long soak in the sauna. We also had a good poker game Saturday night. I was out pretty early but Nevin and Kolla duked it out for a while.

The final hand

The betting was fierce in the last hand and quickly both players were all in. Nevin nailed his two pair on the flop and Mike was stuck with pocket queens. All Mike needed was for the table to pair. The fourth card was an eight and then on the river Mike got his second eight. His two pair beat Nevin's two pair and the game was over.

The big wiener!

So Nevin, Dan, and I all owed Mike a drink at the bar that night. Ah, cheap poker, I like it.

Tonight I was down in Okotoks watching Matt and Thomas Melbourne play with the Bisons. They're in the playoff finals against Airdrie. Today is also Matt's 22nd birthday. Isn't there a name for that birthday? Like turning 22 on the 22nd? I drove down by myself and expected to watch the game by myself. I ran into Matt's mom in the second intermission and she asked if I was looking for my dad. What? My dad? Apparently he and bunch of his hockey team had come up with Terry, Matt's dad, to see the game. (It's also Terry's birthday today but I'm guessing he's not 22) I found them taking a beer break in the curling lounge. Dad was pretty surprised to see me. Oh yeah, and they won...3-1. If they win in Airdrie on Thursday it's all over and they're off to provincials. Good work boys!

I'm halfway done the work week, going to finish strong.


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